  • 學位論文

Michel Foucault 主體觀之教育蘊義

Foucault's Viewpoint on Subject and Its Implication on Education

指導教授 : 楊深坑 博士


本研究旨在探討Foucault主體觀及其在教育上的蘊義,為深入了解Foucault主體觀立論的基點,本文先就Foucault的生平及其學術背景探討Foucault主體觀的形成脈絡;其次,探討主體、知識與權力三者的關係;再次,針對知識與權力建構下之主體自主開展的問題,進一步探討Foucault所預示的可能出路;最後,根據主體與知識及權力之關係,分析三者在教育中的關係,並探討Foucault所預示之可能出路在教育上的蘊義。 根據前述之探討,本研究之結論如下: 一、Foucault經由對時代、文化、道德之反省及本身經驗體認到個人自 主性與開創性有所局限。 二、Foucault認為主體是在知識與權力的運作中建構而成的,主體的形 成來自於兩個方向的建構過程,首先是直接受到權力的塑造;其次 則是藉由對主體內在真理的認知來建構對自我的認識,但這些真理 則是來自權力的運作。 三、現代主體面對知識與權力運作所可能引發的支配作用,從Foucault 對現代性的批評中可歸結出兩條可行的方向,分別是對知識�權力 的批判與自主的自我塑造。 四、以Foucault對主體、知識與權力三者關係的闡述來分析教育中學 生主體、知識及權力的關係,可發現學生主體即是在知識�權力的 運作中被建構而成的,且其中可能蘊含支配作用。 五、根據Foucault對現代性的批評,教育工作者除了需對知識�權 力之運作加以省思外,還應培養學生積極主動塑造自我的生活態 度。 根據以上之結論,爰提以下建議作為教育革新參考: 一、培養學生積極的主動性應由親職教育做起; 二、教育改革應回歸學生主體; 三、加強學生自我倫理的建構; 四、重視教育理論與實踐間的彈性調整; 五、落實小班小校以協助學生充分開展自我; 六、打破使用教科書的迷思; 七、重視教育中知識�權力的研究。


傅科 主體 知識 / 權力


The purpose of this study is to explore Foucault’s view on subject and it’s implication on education. In order to understand his theoretical framework thoroughly, this study begins with a brief sketch of his background and the intellectual climate in France. Then, this study discusses how the subject is constituted and dominated by the interaction of power and knowledge. Next, this study focuses on the solutions predicted by Foucault to free from the domination of power-knowledge. Based on the above discussion, this study attempts to expound its implication on education. The conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Through the reflection on the contemporary culture and individual experience, Foucault recognized the restrictions of personal autonomy. 2. The individual is constituted by the interaction between knowledge and power. On the one hand, we are trained directly by the discipline power; on the other, we know ourselves by the truth that arises from the operation of power-knowledge. 3. From Foucault’s criticism of modernity, there are two solutions for the domination of power-knowledge. One is to discover the relation of power-knowledge in the ordinary life and transgress its confinement. The other is to create the individual styles of living by ourselves. 4. If we take Foucault's account of the relation between subject, knowledge and power as a framework to analyze students in the context of education, we may find that students are constituted by the interplay of power and knowledge and the interplay probably results in the unreasonable domination. 5. According to Foucault's criticism of modernity, what educators should do is to reflect on the operation of power-knowledge, to avoid its domination, and to encourage students to develop an attitude for actively creating their living styles. According to conclusions above, suggestions for future education in Taiwan would be offered as follows: 1. In order to cultivate students’ active attitude, the importance of parent’s education should be emphasized. 2. Education reform should be based on students' privilege of learning. 3. Moral education should mainly make students culture themselves to be ethic subjects. 4. Educational theory and practice should be referential to each other. 5. We should reduce the number of students in classes or schools to help them develop adequately. 6. Teachers should recognize that textbooks are not the only teaching material. 7. The research of power-knowledge in education should be promoted.


Michel Foucault subject knowledge / power


Foucault, M.(1975). The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of
Foucault, M.(1977b). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the
(Ed.), Michel Foucault: Politics, Philosophy, Culture.(pp.3-


