  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張子超


摘要 過去環境教育的方向規劃,大部分偏向與自然領域相關的環境學習,以對自然環境的維護及關懷為主要目標,然而所謂的「環境」,並不是單純的自然環境,而環境教育的角色,更不單指自然環境的維持,而必須使學生學習以更積極的方式對待環境,同時與學生的日常生活密切相關,才能真正符合改善環境的實際需求。因此,本研究及期待以「惜福」為主題,嘗試帶領學生了解生活中,對環境造成負面影響的行為及價值觀,並引導學生思考改進的方式與原則,期待能達成為永續環境而教育:「培養具備環境素養的世界公民,使所有人都能透過獨立或團隊合作的方式參與解決環境問題,並加強與環境和諧共處的動機與承諾」的目標。 本研究採取行動研究方式,以解決學生營養午餐的浪費問題為研究起點,並嘗試以「簡樸生活」為主題,利用各種價值教學策略與活動設計,引導學生對現有生活方式的價值思考、同時激發學生反省生活中對資源的過度消耗、培養其對「簡樸」價值的自主性判斷能力,並進而對於「與環境和諧共存的生活方式」形成採取的承諾與動機。而本研究關切的議題如下: 1. 針對學生浪費行為的問題解決歷程與途徑。 2. 經由以「惜福」為主題的教學過程,學生的學習成效,及對學習活動的感受、看法及心得。 3. 研究歷程中,參與成員的學習經驗及其對教學設計的看法與意見。 而經過了本研究各階段的行動歷程發現,學生除了對惜福有更深刻的了解,學習檢討自己的物質消費模式,並重新省思「滿足感」的意義外,更由價值教學活動中更了解自己,也更珍惜身邊的人、事、物,同時將「惜福」落實在對食物的珍惜方面。然而若要使「惜福」真正成為一種長期的生活習慣,並落實在學生生活的每一個層面,則除了要以多元的方式,由認知、情意及行為改變等方面著手外,還要配合家庭教育及學校課程的統整,才是最直接且有效的「惜福」生活教育方式。


惜福 簡樸生活 行動研究


Abstract In the past, environmental education curriculum planning centred on the field of nature environment. And the goal of environmental education emphasizes all about nature conservation. However the meaning of “environment ” is not merely the nature environment, and environmental education have to preserve nature as well as promote people dealing with environment more equitable. Moreover, it’s essential that the environmental education curriculum must conform to reality and be interrelated in livelihood of people. Therefore, this study attempt to design activities as the “voluntary simplicity of life” to guide students to comprehend behavior and values that cause damage to the environmental, and reflect on improving human proceedings. The primary concerns of this research were: 1. What was the progress and gateway to clear up the problem of “food wastement” of students; 2. what were their sentiments and achievement on all the learning activities about “voluntary simplicity of life”; 3. what were teacher’s learning process and perspective for this research after the whole process of designing and implementation of the action progress. The researcher employed participant observation, in-depth interview and document collection techniques to gather data, then checked and analyzed the data from different time sources to display students’ inquiry process and the effect of research on students and participant teachers. The research found that students have more comprehension about “voluntary simplicity”. They not only make self-examination about their consuming behavior, but also modify desire on material. Besides, the students cherish each other and treasure everything near by them even more. Nevertheless, the best way to promote student choosing life style of “voluntary simplicity” effectively is to integrate all the courses about the livelihood education, and make home education and school education an interconnected system.


voluntary simplicity


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Caduto M. 1985, A Guide on Values Education, Division of Science, Technical and Environmental Education, UNESCO.
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Eliott, J. (1991). Action Research for Educational Change. Milton Keynes:Open University Press.


