  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Professional Competencies of the Curriculum for Computer-Aided PCB Layout In Industrial Vocational Senior High School.

指導教授 : 彭信成 博士


本研究旨在運用能力分析法,分析與歸納出適合高職電腦輔助印刷電路板佈局課程之專業能力。 本研究係參照V-TECS法之原理與精神,結合文件分析法、專家學者訪談法與問卷調查法發展能力目錄問卷,首先透過文獻探討研擬出問卷草稿,然後訪談十五位專家學者建立問卷之初稿,在徵詢共三十位專家學者意見後,確立本研究問卷之預試卷。在預試卷建立後即開始架設與測試本研究問卷之專屬網站,邀請十二家公司進行問卷預試,預試後經項目分析與一致性分析後,確立本研究之調查問卷,問卷中主要是調查從事電腦輔助印刷電路板所需之基礎專業知識與技能的學習需要性與困難度。此外,由於本研究之調查對象並沒有公會或學會等組織,因此採用滾雪球抽樣法,由台灣電路板學會網站所登錄公司名單中,找出屬於印刷電路板製造的公司,然後以電子郵件與電話詢問印刷電路板佈局公司,如此反向搜尋共計獲得71家公司。本研究之調查問卷及以這些公司為研究對象,最後共獲得80位業界人士幫忙填答問卷。這些資料經過分析統計每一項能力之學習需要性與其困難度後,結合本研究之學習屬性參照表,分析出適合技專校院與高職電腦輔助印刷電路板課程學習之專業能力。 本研究之主要結論如下: 一、適合高職電腦輔助印刷電路板課程「必須學習」的專業能力,共 計有二十五項。 二、適合高職電腦輔助印刷電路板課程「應該學習」的專業能力,共 計有四項。 三、適合高職電腦輔助印刷電路板課程「最好學習」的專業能力,共 計有十八項。 四、高職電腦輔助印刷電路板課程「可不學習」的專業能力,共計有二十三項,這些能力可留待技專校院時再行學習。 最後,本研究根據結論及研究心得提出三點建議,期對高職電腦輔助電路板佈局課程之教學有所幫助。


The Study applies competency-analysis, analysis and induction to search the suitable professional ability for computer-aided PCB Layout of industrial vocational senior high school. The principles and theory of V-TECS is consulted for this research. Combining data analysis, scholar-visit and questionnaire –survey to develop questionnaire of ability’s index. Firstly, the manuscript of questionnaire is drawn from references, then, the first manuscript is created with the questionnaire, which fifteen scholars have visited and discussed. The primary manuscript of the research will be determined after thirty scholars have consulted from the special internet station for research is set up to measure the questionnaire after the primary manuscript created. Sequentially, twenty enterprises are selected to take a pre-test. The context of questionnaire will be determined after analysis different items and homogeneity. The questionnaire surveys basic knowledge and skills of computer-aided PCB Layout. Besides, the members of leagues and institutes aren’t included in the survey. So we apply snowball- sampling method. From TPCA registered list finds PCB manufacturing company with internet station searching, then, we communicate through sending mails and telephone-inquiry each other. Finally, there are 71 companies, which are our research objects. They help us to answer the questionnaire. Totally, there are 80 working-members in the field blank the answer. The collective data by statistics will be analyzed with the ability of each item of learning difficulty and learning request. It combines this research’s learning attribute reference table, which could analyze the suitable professional ability of computer-aided PCB Layout for industrial vocational senior high school and college or university. The conclusion is that as below: 1.There are 25 items professional ability of “the requisite learning” course, which curriculum is suitable for industrial vocational senior high school. 2.There are 4 items professional ability of “the duty learning” course, which curriculum is suitable for industrial vocational senior high school. 3.There are 18 items professional ability of “the possible learning” course, which curriculum is suitable for industrial vocational senior high school. 4.There are 23 items professional ability of “the needless learning” course, which will be adequate to study till college or university. Finally, three suggestions will be drawn form the conclusion of research gains. It is expected to help teaching curriculum of computer-aided PCB Layout.


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