  • 學位論文


The effect of vasopressin on respiratory-related hypoglossal nerve activity in rats

指導教授 : 黃基礎


中文摘要 本研究的目的是想探討血管加壓素(arginine vasopressin; AVP)作用在延腦腹外側對膈神經及舌下神經呼吸活動的影響。 採用大白鼠為實驗動物,體重250-300克,雄性為主,以urethane (1.2 g/kg )腹腔麻醉,進行氣管切開術,股靜脈及股動脈插管,由靜脈插管給予麻痺劑(gallamine triethiodide 5 mg/kg)後,接上人工呼吸器,維持呼氣末的二氧化碳濃度在0.04(FETCO2 = 0.04),分離並記錄膈神經與舌下神經的活動。 以微量注射(microinjection)的技術,注射AVP到大白鼠延腦腹外側(ventrolateral medulla; VLM),同時觀察膈神經(phrenic nerve)及舌下神經(hypoglossal nerve)呼吸活動的變化。實驗結果發現因注射位置的不同,出現兩種不同類型的生理反應。 第一型反應,注射1.5x10-8 IU和3.0x10-8 IU的AVP到VLM內側,膈神經活動分別停止了3.24秒及5.28秒(p < 0.05),恢復後第一次呼吸週期的高度分別降低為刺激前75.61 % 及58.21 % (p < 0.01);舌下神經吸氣活動高度分別降低為刺激前68.92 % 及46.45 % (p < 0.01),血壓沒有變化。 第二型反應,注射3.0x10-8 IU的AVP至VLM外側,膈神經暫停4.22秒(p < 0.05),恢復後第一次呼吸週期平均高度降低為刺激前63.71 %;舌下神經吸氣活動高度降低為刺激前80.00 %,血壓上升。 提高呼氣末二氧化碳濃度至0.08(FETCO2 = 0.08)會減弱AVP的影響,1.5x10-8 IU 的AVP興奮VLM內側後,膈神經停止3.03秒,恢復後,第一次呼吸週期平均高度降低為刺激前85.19 % (p < 0.01),在3.0x10-8 IU作用下,膈神經暫停5.16秒,第一次呼吸週期平均高度降低為刺激前70.94 % (p < 0.01);在這兩種劑量下,舌下神經吸氣活動平均高度分別降低為刺激前88.70% 及74.00 % (p < 0.01)。第二型反應,以3.0x10-8 IU興奮VLM外側後,膈神經停止2.95秒,第一次呼吸週期平均高度為刺激前93.97 %,舌下神經則降低為88.99 %。 這些結果表示AVP可能藉著作用於VLM的神經元而影響膈神經與舌下神經吸氣活動,進而調節呼吸作用及上呼吸道的暢通。


英文摘要 The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of the arginine vasopressin (AVP) on respiratory-related hypoglossal activity in rats. The rat was anesthetized by urethane (1.2 g/kg, i.p.).Tracheotomy, and catheterization of the femoral artery and vein were performed. The animal was then paralyzed with gallamine triethiodide (5 mg/kg) and ventilated artificially. End-tidal fractional concentration of gas was maintained at normocapnia in hyperoxia. Activities of both the phrenic and hypoglossal nerves were monitored Arginine vasopressin (AVP) was microinjected into a specific area of the ventrolateral medulla (VLM) to evaluate the response of the phrenic and the hypoglossal nerve. There were two types of response with AVP administration. In type I response, activities of the phrenic nerve (PNA) and the hypoglossal nerve (HNA) showed apnea and then recovered gradually. Mean period of apnea in response to low dose (1.5x10-8 IU) and high dose (3.0x10-8 IU) of AVP was 3.24 and 5.28 seconds respectively (p < 0.05) . Average PNA of the first neurogram after recovery from AVP treatment with low and high dose was 75.61 % and 58.21 % (p < 0.01) while HNA was 68.92 % annd 46.45 % of control. Blood pressure was unchanged. In type II response, mean period of apnea with a dosage of 3.0x10-8 IU was 4.22 seconds (p < 0.05). Average PNA of the first neurogram flowing AVP administration was 63.71 % of control whereas HNA was 80 %.These inhibitions of AVP upon PNA and HNA were attenuated by hypercapnia. Thus PNA was reduced to 85.19 % and 70.94 % of control in type I response whereas to 93.97 % of control in type II response. HNA was 88.70 % and 74.00 % of contral in type I response but to 88.99 % in type II response. These results suggest that AVP may play a role in the modulation of respiration and upper airway patency by direct action upon the neurons in the VLM.


