  • 學位論文


A Study on Construction of Music-Appreciation Competence Indicators for Elementary School

指導教授 : 賴美鈴 博士


本研究旨在建構國民小學音樂欣賞能力指標,並以台灣地區國民小學音樂教師、學者專家與從事音樂相關工作的社會人士進行問卷調查。研究方法以文獻分析及問卷調查方式進行。文獻除探討能力指標與欣賞教學的相關理論,並以中外小學音樂欣賞課程標準為主,進行指標內容的建構,經過效度、信度考驗後,由問卷調查進行實證資料的蒐集。問卷共計發178份,回收161份,其中有效問卷為157份,調查所得資料經敘述統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析後,獲得以下結論: (一)指標內容涵蓋認知、技能、情意三個層面,根據統計結果 ,低年級階段適合的指標計12項,中年級階段適合的指標 計9項,高年級階段適合的指標計10項;而不同填答者對各 層面、各指標間的看法大都具有一致性。 (二)由於教師素養不足,軟硬體設備欠缺,教學時間匆促,課 程與生活環境無法配合,缺乏評量工具等因素,國內目前 音樂欣賞教學在施行上仍有需改善的地方。 (三)現行國小音樂課程標準的優點為立意完善、目標明確;但 仍有內容過於繁複,缺乏連貫與彈性,偏重西洋音樂,及 不夠生活化、多元化等缺點。 為使音樂欣賞能力指標有其建構價值,本研究提出下列建議: (一)建議國小音樂教師可依據指標檢視教學成效,改善教學品 質;嘗試教材編選與課程設計;並能發展評量工具。 (二)建議學校可參酌本指標之內容,視各校條件發展具有特色 的欣賞能力指標。 (三)建議教育行政單位可依據欣賞能力指標,檢視各校音樂教 學品質;建立有系統的課程規劃與評量方式;做為師資培 育課程與師資檢定的考量;並提供充分研究資源,讓指標 更為完善。 (四)建議後續研究者可將指標對象擴大研究;發展其他音樂相 關能力指標;改善人為因素,使指標更臻完善;依據指標 內容,設計課程與教材;編製欣賞評量工具;評估填答者 建議指標之可行性。


音樂欣賞 能力指標


The purpose of this study is to construct indicators of music-appreciation competence in elementary school. A survey is made among elementary school music teachers, music scholars, and those working in music-related fields. Research methods include literature review and questionnaires. Competence indicators and theories of music-appreciation instruction are discussed in literature review. Besides, the contents of indicators are established mainly based on the curriculum standards of music appreciation both in Taiwan and abroad. After tests of validity and reliability, evidence-based data are collected through survey. There are 178 questionnaires distributed with 161 replies, among which 157 are effective. By analyzing descriptive statistics, t-test, and One-Way ANOVA of the obtained data, the following conclusions are reached: (1) The contents of the indicators contain three aspects: cognition, skill, and sentiment. According to the statistical results, 12 indicators are suitable for the first and the second graders, 9 for the third and the fourth graders, and 10 for the fifth and the sixth graders. Most of the samples show consistent opinions on each aspect and indicator. (2) Due to factors like: insufficient accomplishments of teachers, deficiency in software and equipment, haste in class hours, less connection between curriculum and the living environment, and shortage of evaluation tools, there are needs for improvement of music-appreciation instruction in Taiwan. (3) Current elementary school curriculum standards of music have the merits of flawless conceptions and clear goals. However, they still have defects like: contents being too complicated, lacking coherence and flexibility, emphasizing on Western music, and short of practicability and diversities. In order to attach value to the indicators of music-appreciation competence, the following suggestions are made by the researcher: (1) For elementary school music teachers: Inspect teaching effects and improve quality of teaching in accordance with the indicators; try to compile teaching materials and design curriculum; be able to develop evaluation tools. (2) For schools: Elaborate school-based indicators of appreciation competence, using the contents of the indicators formed in this research. (3) For authorities of education: Examine the quality of music instruction in every school according to the indicators of appreciation competence; build systematic curriculum plans and evaluation tools; take the indicators into account in teacher training programs and qualification examinations; provide sufficient research resources to prefect the indicators. (4) For succeeding studies: Expand the research objects of the indicators; develop other indicators of music-related competence; improve human factors to polish the indicators; design curriculum and instructional materials on the basis of the contents of the indicators; prepare evaluation tools for appreciation; assess the feasibility of indicators suggested by the samples.




