  • 學位論文


The Research of Unmarried Men's Marital Viewpoints

指導教授 : 黃馨慧


在所有社會制度中,婚姻是最普遍、最親密、影響最深遠的社會團體,因此婚姻具備了無可替代的特殊性。但在社會變遷的潮流下,無可避免地會對個人的婚姻觀產生衝擊,若擁有較符合時代的婚姻觀,將有助個人解決有關婚姻的問題。有鑑於此,本研究以六名20~30歲的未婚男性為研究對象,藉深入訪談的研究方法,來探究未婚男性婚姻觀的實質內涵,呈現未婚男性對於婚姻的意義、擇偶、婚姻中兩性角色等相關議題的真實想法,再援用生態系統理論、社會學習理論、社會交換論來分析影響未婚男性婚姻觀建構的因素,最後從性別的角度,討論「男主外、女主內」的分工模式與婚姻斜坡對未婚男性婚姻觀的衝擊,且針對傳統婚姻觀念中,夫妻角色的扮演方式加以反思批判。 研究結果發現對未婚男性而言,婚姻的意義可以分為:社會面、心理面、生物面、法律面、經濟面等。結婚社會面的意義是為了順應社會規範以獲取認同,但對於婚姻的必要性提出質疑;婚姻心理面的意義是肯定自我價值、獲得心靈歸屬與生活延伸;婚姻在生物面的意義則是完成傳宗接代的使命,但是隨著性觀念的開放,婚姻滿足生理需求的功能逐漸沒落;在法律面,婚姻可以透過法定制度給予夫妻關係與子女地位、權益實質的保障;未婚男性覺得婚姻經濟面的意義是,婚後可能多一份妻子的收入、卻也因家庭人口增加而提高支出,在社會規範與傳統性別角色期待下,擔負養家責任是他們的天職,結婚帶來沉重的經濟壓力。 未婚男性的婚姻觀在擇偶方面,大致可以分為對婚姻市場的看法與其本身的擇偶態度。對他們來說,結婚對象就是婚前所能找到的最佳選擇,擇偶的本質是以最小代價、換取最大利益的資源交換歷程。但在看似單純的個人自由背後,事實上其自由度會受到社會結構規範的限制,例如其本身所具備的經濟供給能力,可能會影響受訪未婚男性的擇偶範圍。面對婚姻市場對經濟供給能力的重視,部分未婚男性的因應方式與態度傾向認同社會價值觀,以經濟基礎為結婚的必備條件;有些則會延後自己的結婚計劃,先立業再成家;還有一些未婚男性認為個人擇偶條件有實際與理想上的差距,質疑經濟供給能力並非唯一的判準,每個人有其主體性,因此擇偶行為可能最終是個人價值澄清的歷程。 對於婚姻中兩性角色的期待,本研究中的未婚男性基本上仍認同「男主外、女主內」的分工模式,所以深信母職天賦,男人無能為力;在女性就業的看法上,則偏向不反對但也不鼓勵。雖然多數研究參與者多少存有傳統意識形態,但面對逐漸變遷的社會,隨著婦女就業人口的增加,傳統分工模式出現鬆動跡象。他們感受到「君子遠庖廚」已難以生存,無論應該「幫」太太做、或是「一起」做,在家務分工行為上,他們都跨出不同以往的一步。較特別的是,未婚男性對理想妻子的期待,充滿既傳統又現代的過渡性質。他們似乎較不重視外表、或家事操作能力,認為婚姻需要經營,而更重視彼此心靈的契合與溝通;另一方面他們又期待理想妻子能內外兼顧,除了安頓家庭、最好還能對丈夫的工作有所助益。 由於本研究採用質性研究法,研究內容較深入但無法推論母群,且受限於時間精力,除了呈現未婚男性在婚姻的意義、擇偶、婚姻中兩性角色等相關議題的真實想法外,其他面向研究者並未進行探討;且本研究為研究者獨立完成,個人主觀的影響將無可避免。期望本研究所得之研究結果能引導社會大眾,正視婚姻觀變遷的事實,並提供未來相關研究或課程法令制定之參考。


男性 婚姻 婚姻觀 婚姻價值 婚姻態度 擇偶 質性研究 性別


Among all of the social systems, marriage is the most popular and closest social group. But on the trend of social transition, it is inevitable to have some impacts on one’s viewpoints of marriage. If one can have some ideas, which can keep with the time, it will be helpful to solve the problems of marriage. Thus, this research chooses six unmarried men ranked from 20 to 30 years old to be the samples and explores the content of their marital viewpoints by interview. The research can show unmarried men’s true attitudes toward some related issues such as the meaning of marriage, mate selection, roles of marriage, and so forth. Further, the research analyzes the factors of constructing unmarried men’s marital viewpoints by the Ecological System Theory, Social Learning Theory, and Social Exchange Theory. Finally, the research also discusses the impact on the demarcation behavior and marriage slope of “Husbands works outside, and wives stay at home” on unmarried men’s attitudes of marriage, and criticizes the traditional roles of husbands and wives. For unmarried men, the research finds they divided the meaning of marriage into some aspects such as society, psychology, biology, law, economy, and so on. The meaning of marriage in social aspects is not only to follow social norms and gain the agreement but also doubt the necessity of marriage. The meaning of marriage in psychological aspects is to realize oneself and know what to do and where to go next in one’s mind. The meaning of marriage in biological aspects is to accomplish the mission of generation. However, with the liberation of sex, the marriage function which to fulfill of the physical satisfaction declines gradually. In law aspects, it can confirm couples’ relationships and offspring’s status in their family. In economic aspects, unmarried men think that they can become double-income family, yet expensing more with increasing family members than before. Under the traditional expectation and norms, raising family is men’s bounden duty but marriage brings them heavy economic pressures. In aspects of mate selection, unmarried men’s attitudes of marriage can be mainly divided into two parts, attitudes to marriage market and mate selection. They think the spouse is the best choice they can choose for the marriage, and the essence of mate selection is an exchanging process, which gets the most advantages on the lowest cost. But behind one’s simple personal freedom of mate selection, the fact is the extent of freedom would be limited by social standards. How rich the unmarried man is, for instances, could affect the range of his mate selection. With more and more requirements on finance in marriage market, most unmarried men tend to accept it and regard money as a critical factor in marriage. Some would extend their wedding dates and make money first; others think there are some differences between ideality and reality and doubt that finance is not the only standard to determine whether to be married or not. Every person has his unique thought; so mate selection behavior finally can be a process of one’s self-examination. In this research, the expectation to couples, unmarried men basically still agree with the demarcation behavior, “Husbands works outside, and wives stay at home”. So it is convinced that Mother’s duty is gifted and men can never keep up with them. In the aspects of female employing, unmarried men neither prohibit them nor encourage them. Although most investigators have some traditional ideology, the demarcation behavior alters gradually with the change of our society and the increasing number of female employment. Unmarried men feel it is impossible to leave all housework to their wives; they should help their wives or share the housework together. In housework demarcation, they step further. For some special facts, unmarried men have some contradictive expectation between modern and traditional wives. They seem to emphasis less on beauty or housework handling, but more on the communication to each other. In addition, they also expect their ideal wives can take care of every thing in the family as well as be helpful to husbands’ work. According to the qualitative research methods, the contents of this research explore more details but we cannot ratiocinate the matrix. And subjected to limited time, the research do not study other aspects about unmarried men besides meaning of some relative aspects of marriage, mate selection, and roles husbands and wives play in marriage; the research was completed independently, so the personal subject thoughts will be inevitable. The research expects the conclusion can guide the society to concentrate on the fact that views of marriage is changing, and contributes the results to future relative researches and lessons, and give some reference to the legislators.





