  • 學位論文


A Research on the Career Construct of the Gifted Students in the Senior High School

指導教授 : 林幸台


本研究採用Kelly的方格技術,探討不同性別的高中數理資優生的生涯建構內容(重視的生涯價值、職業偏好)與分化性、統整性、衝突性、選擇一致性的發展狀態,並以一般生為對照組。研究對象包括126名高中數理資優男生、111名高中數理資優女生、98名高中自然組男生、133名高中自然組女生,總計468名;以「生涯建構方格」、「我的生涯價值」選單、「職業選擇參考單」、「生涯建構指標計算程式」為研究工具;以次數、平均z值計算和二因子單變項變異數分析進行統計分析。 研究結果摘述如下: 一、 生涯價值部份 「工作興趣高」、「工作帶給我快樂」是資優組男生、資優組女生、普通組男生、普通組女生重視的生涯價值,而且是他們抉擇有興趣且將來想要從事的職業時重要的評估標準。 二、 職業偏好部份 (一)「有興趣且將來想要從事的職業」類型 「醫師」、「學校教師」是四組學生有興趣且將來想要從事的職業;和其它職業相比之下,「多媒體、動畫設計人員」最具有四組學生重視的生涯價值之特質。 (二)「沒有興趣且將來也不想從事的職業」類型 「宗教專業人員」、「律師」是四組學生沒有興趣且將來也不想從事的職業。 三、 職業偏好和生涯價值的關連 (一) 「醫師」吸引四組學生有興趣且將來想要從事的重要特質為「工作穩定」、「薪水多」、「收入穩定」。「學校教師」吸引四組學生有興趣且將來想要從事的重要特質為「工作穩定」、「收入穩定」。「多媒體、動畫設計人員」吸引四組有興趣且將來想要從事的重要特質各組學生的看法有差別。 (二) 「宗教專業人員」、「律師」因完全不符合四組學生重視的「工作興趣」、「工作帶給我快樂」、「和自己的能力相符」,讓四組學生沒有興趣且將來也不想從事。 四、 生涯建構指標部份 (一) 就組別與性別的交互作用而言 不同性別的高中數理資優生與普通生在生涯建構的分化性、統整性、衝突性、選擇一致性之交互作用皆沒有達到顯著水準。 (二) 就組別而言 1. 資優組和普通組的分化性得分沒有顯著差異。 2. 資優組和普通組的統整性、衝突性、選擇一致性得分有顯著差異,資優組在統整性、衝突性、選擇一致性得分皆顯著高於普通組。 (二)就性別而言 1. 男生組和女生組的分化性得分有顯著差異。男生組分化性得分顯著高於女生組。 2. 男生組和女生組的統整性、衝突性、選擇一致性得分沒有顯著差異。 基於上述研究結果提出生涯輔導的建議以及對未來研究的建議。


資優生 生涯建構


The purposes of this research were to investigate senior high school gifted students for the contents (career value , occupational preference ) and the indicators (differentiation, integration, conflict , evaluative accord) of the career construct , by a variant of G. Kelly’s grid methodology. 126 male and 111 female senior high school gifted students and 98 male and 133 female senior high school majored in mathematical-logic courses were selected as samples. ‘ The Career Construct Grid ’, ‘ My Career Value ’ , ‘ The Occupational Choice List ’ , ‘The Career Construct Calculating Program’ were used to collected data. Statistical methods such as frequency distribution, two-way ANOVA were applied to analyze the Grid. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1. value ’ Work interest’ and ‘ the feeling of the work ‘ are two important values for the gifted and normal student. When making career decisions, ’ work interest’ and ‘ the feeling of the work ‘ are also important standards for these senior high school students in this research. 2. occupational preference (1) The gifted and normal students are all in favor of being a ‘ doctor ’ or ‘ teacher ’ in the future. (2) The gifted and normal students dislike to be a ‘ religious worker ’ or ‘ lawyer ’. 3. the relationship between the value and the occupational preference (1) The reasons why gifted and normal senior high school students like to be a doctor are ‘ stable job’, ‘ high income’ and ‘ to have a stable salary’; the reason why they like to be a teacher is primarily ‘ to have a stable salary’. (2) The reasons why those students in this research dislike to be a religious worker or a lawyer are ‘ work interest ’; ‘ the feeling of the work ’ and ‘ not to match with one’s ability’. 4. the career construct indicator (1) Gender and group have no significant interaction effect (p >.o5) on any career construct indicator – differentiation, integration, conflict and evaluative accord. (2) The group difference is at significant level (p< .o5) on career construct indicators except the differentiation. The gifted group is significantly higher than the normal group on the integration, conflict, or evaluative accord index. (3) Only on the differentiation score does the gender differ at significant level (p< .o5) . The male’s score in the differentiation is significantly higher than the female. Based on the results of this research, suggestions are generated for the career counseling practice in senior high school and for future research.


gifted students career construct




