  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship of leadership style of physical education leader, locus of control of P.E. teachers and organizational commitment in universities and colledges

指導教授 : 鄭志富 博士


本研究旨在瞭解大學校院體育主管領導型態、體育教師內外控取向與體育教師組織承諾之現況內涵;並比較變項間之差異;最後,則探討體育主管領導型態與體育教師內外控取向對體育教師組織承諾之解釋力。研究對象為八十九學年度541位任職於大學校院之專任體育教師,並以「體育主管領導型態量表」、「內外控取向量表」及「教師組織承諾量表」等做為研究工具,實施問卷調查。 根據調查所得資料,以平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析(One-way MANOVA)、雪費事後比較及典型相關分析等統計方法進行分析處理,結果發現: 一、體育主管之領導型態,以交易領導行為運用情形較轉型領導行為更為顯著,所以較偏向於「低轉型高交易」領導型態。而體育教師之內外控取向,則主要偏屬內控取向。至於體育教師之組織承諾,主要以「努力意願」、「組織認同」呈現,其整體之得分情形屬於中上水準。 二、體育教師所知覺的體育主管領導型態,在組織承諾之差異情形有達顯著水準。不同內外控取向之體育教師在組織承諾之差異,亦達顯著差異,其中內控取向之體育教師顯著高於外控取向體育教師。 三、不同內外控取向體育教師在知覺體育主管整體轉型領導及轉型領導各構面(激發鼓舞、智識啟發、個別關懷)上皆達到顯著差異,其中內控取向之體育教師顯著高於外控取向體育教師。 四、體育主管之領導型態與教師個人內外控特質,確與體育教師組織承諾間有典型相關關係存在。其中以體育主管領導型態所有構面透過第一個典型因素,能影響組織承諾之全部構面。


The purpose of this study was to reveal the reality of leadership style of physical education leaders, locus of control of P.E. teachers and organizational commitment in universities and colleges and to compare the differences. Finally, it was to probe the explication of what leadership style of physical education leaders and locus of control of P.E. teachers done on organizational commitment. Five hundred and forty one P.E. teachers of universities and colleges served as the subjects of this study. The instruments“Leadership Style of Physical Education Leaders Scale” ,“Locus of Control Scale” , and“Teacher’s Organizational Commitment Scale” were employed. Mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way MANOVA, Scheffe’ and canonical correlation analysis were utilized for data analysis, and the results were as followed: 1.The leadership style of physical education leaders was toward to “low transformation, high transaction”. P.E. teachers’ locus of control was toward to internal locus. As to the scores of organizational commitment of P.E. teachers were above average. 2.The leadership style of physical education leaders that P.E. teachers perceived was existed significant difference on organizational commitment. 3.Significant difference were found on what different locus of control of P.E. teachers perceived the transfer leadership of physical education leaders and its criteria (inspiration, intelligent stimulation and individual consideration); of which, internal locus of control was much higher than that of external locus of control. 4.It existed a canonical correlation among leadership style of physical education leaders, teachers’ locus of control, and organizational commitment of P.E. teachers;of which, leadership style could influence all criteria of organizational commitment.




