  • 學位論文


A Study for the Application of the Characteristic of Ceramic and the Effect of Lighting on Lamps

指導教授 : 吳千華


當今產品的市場,趨向多元化的發展,是一種全面性,綜合性的考量。當設計師在從事設計工作時,對於形成產品的所有要素,都應盡可能的詳加了解。 在產品設計中對於材質的應用,及材質本身的質感及肌理所呈現的視覺感,則較少有人探討,設計一項產品不再只是一個單純符合其本身的機能需求,更須注意到產品給予消費者的心理層面與心理期望所產生的影響。如何能使消費者與設計師之間,產生一個良好的心理上及認知上的溝通模式是一個值得設計師思考的問題。 本研究從材質性觀點出發,主要目的為探討利用陶瓷材料特性以及表面質感所能產生的視覺效果,應用於燈具設計的研究。在材質應用方面,掌握瓷土的半透明性、潔白度及細緻度,搭配陶土樸實而粗獷及不透光的特質,表現出其他材質所無法呈現的材質對比特性,這種陶與瓷所特有的質感效果,可以令人產生對此一造形材質的情感反應,這是一個不容忽視的要素,也為陶瓷設計的領域帶來了一種探索的空間。 藉由陶瓷材質多元的裝飾技法特性,可營造不同的產品意象,應用於燈飾設計上,可營造不同於其他材質的燈光氣氛,為市場多樣性的需求拓展新的領域。 本文的主要架構,一為進行設計實驗,二為進行文獻分析研究。進行設計實驗的目的,主要希望經由實驗過程了解陶與瓷材質特性,為透光性瓷土探索適合的表現形式;藉由文獻探討,歸納出陶瓷燈飾的設計及製作要素,評估產品的外觀、機能、照明形式做適切的設計切入點,以作為陶瓷燈飾產品後續提案設計的依據。 依據設計程序的設計架構,探討陶瓷材質與光之間的效應。針對陶瓷燈飾與照明設計之相關性及照明應用於環境的分析及探討產品開發的設計應用,期望達到提升視覺及視覺以外相關之應用。


At the present development of modern products were tend toward diversified, and it shows complete and comprehensive. So, the designers have to understand the whole factor before engaged in their working. The application and image of the materials are less investigated in the area of design. While create a production is not only need to conform with functional requirement, but also to pay attention to the psychological need. Therefore, it is very important to find out the communication model of psychology and know-how between designers with customers. The purpose of this study is using the ceramic characteristic and surface vision to apply to the lampshade. In the material application, china clay possess translucence, white, and elegance; and the same, argil possess plain, rough, and opaque. This study collocate these two kinds of clay together, and the product shows the particular contrast, which we can’t see in other materials. Furthermore, this characteristic let people cause emotional response to ceramics, and bring a new meaning to the area of ceramic design. In addition, by using the characteristic, it can construct a different image. When it was applied to lampshade design, it cause a unlike ambiance to other lamplight. After this study, we realize the ceramic characteristic and find an expressional form in china clay’s utilization. In addition to application of vision, I suggest the follow-up study when they are going to design ceramic lamplight, will focus on the surface, function, and lighting.


龍鵬翥 著 1983 陶瓷設計。台北:設計家文化出版事業有限公司
徐文琴,周義雄 著 1993 鶯歌陶瓷史。台北:台北縣立文化中心
吳讓農 著 1993 陶瓷工藝修訂本。台北:台灣省政府教育廳
李玉龍 著 1997 近代設計史。台北:六合出版社


Lai, P. H. (2005). 透明塑膠材質之不同表面處理對產品意象之影響-以口紅設計為例 [master's thesis, Tatung University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0081-0607200917232220
