  • 學位論文


The Application of Graphic Design in Arts Activities— Case Study : The NTNU Arts Festival 2001

指導教授 : 康台生


這項研究是探討在藝術活動中,平面設計所應用的範圍,因為所涉及的範圍十分廣大所以選擇2001年臺灣師大藝術節為個案研究,並且實際執行設計工作。研究的流程是先做文獻探討,瞭解平面設計的興起歷史,接著是臺灣地區平面設計的整體概況,還有藝術活動發展的簡史,最後再對技法做術性的分析。 第二階段是進行實際的設計演練。從訂定主題開始,撰寫企畫書、擬定節目內容、一直到整個設計工作完成,都直接參與瞭解所有歷程。2001年臺灣師大藝術節的主題是「藝術捷運」,這是第一次將活動範圍擴大到學校腹地以外的地方,並且與捷運公司、國立臺灣藝術教育館共同主辦,所以狀況也較以往複雜,其中在溝通觀念及修改細節上投入許多的時間。 透過實際的操作,真正瞭解到平面設計工作會遭遇的種種困難,將整個過程記錄下來,除了提供後繼者參考價值外,也希望研究成果對國內藝術活動的平面設計有釐清提振之效。


藝術活動 藝術節 平面設計 海報


This study focused on the case study of the NTNU Arts Festival 2001, in order to investigate the practicality of Graphic Design in the Arts Festival. The research procedure of this study was theory reviewing firstly. This part contained the development of Graphic Design, the region research of Graphic Design in Taiwan, the development of Arts Festival, and the analysis of methodology. The practical operation was the second stage of this study. The researcher participate the whole process of the NTNU Arts Festival 2001, including the theme making, proposal writing, and the graphic designing of this event. “Arts Train” was the theme of the NTNU Arts Festival 2001. Since it was the first time that NTNU cooperated with Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation and National Taiwan Arts Education Institute. The researcher spent more time in the concept discussion and the detail revising with cooperators. After operating this case, several practical difficulties of Graphic Design have been found. By recording the process of this event, this study may provide some reference value to the further studies, and contribute some suggestions to enhance the development of Arts Festival in Taiwan.


arts activities arts festival graphic design poster


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