  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳文華


論文提要論文題目:兩宋「詞人詞」雅化的發展與嬗變研究--以柳、周、姜、吳為探究中心撰者: 黃雅莉 臺灣省彰化縣人,一九六六年十二月二十七日出生 中華民國九十一年一月國立臺灣師範大學國文研究所博士班畢業口考委員:汪中教授、陳文華教授、文幸福教授、陳滿銘教授、黃文吉教授雅化,是宋詞發展過程中一個重要而鮮明的現象,擺蕩在雅俗之間的矛盾便是對於詩的離合異同之爭。作為詩之後起新興文學樣式,決定了詞的創作必然要受到詩體創作思維的影響。當宋人不自覺地以作詩的藝術經驗或審美眼光走進詞的創作,便使詞逐漸脫離了佐歡助興的淺文化層次,昇華為一典雅精緻的純文藝作品。然而,在「以詩為詞」的過程中,如何保持詞體的鮮明個性而不混同於詩,詞家從開始自覺到追求完備的發展過程,是值得我們深入研究的。「詞人詞」正朝著「言志」與「本色」的兼容並行而前進,既未簡單地回歸「樂人詞」,又吸收了「詩人詞」的某些成份,因而成為宋詞雅化集成的主流。「詞人詞」的代表柳永、周邦彥、姜夔、吳文英四人是在宋詞雅化的過程中具有里程碑式的大家。如果說蘇、辛的變革在於拓展詞境,變革詞風,那麼,柳、周、姜、吳四家對於維護詞「要眇宜脩」的重要貢獻也是不容忽視的。四人的創作表現了「詞家之詞」一脈相承的同質性外,在更多方面顯示出各自的特色,從而共同組成宋詞雅化的多元面貌,在他們的苦心孤詣下,詞境不斷地探入深層,藝術技巧日趨完善,結構章法日趨精美。詞之雅化的最終歸趨所在,即「抒情」與「言志」兩者在對立中互補並存,使得詞成為以抒情為主,言志為輔的詩歌體制,既非佐歡之作,也非道德規範,而是一種深刻動人的文藝作品。本文主要探討在宋詞雅化的過程中,柳、周、姜、吳四家詞的變化發展。希望能對於宋詞之雅化這一文學現象做到演化的動態審視。盼能藉此加深大家對宋詞雅化的縱深了解,並且經過四人作品的比較分析,歸納整理,客觀地考察四位詞人在宋詞雅化歷史長河中衍變的情況,對其地位與貢獻給予公正的評價。 首章緒論,闡述本文的理論依據、研究動機及步驟。次章考察南、北宋詞壇雅化的差異,依其主張的不同,歸納分析,兩宋之間雅詞觀的發展與變化。第三章,探討四家詞在情感內涵雅化的嬗變,從抒情主角的轉移、藝術視野的開拓、主體內心世界的拓展深化、詠物表現的差異等四方面,都作了詳盡的考述。我們可以發現詞情之雅旨在追求一種幽深綿邈的境界,強調內在感情的滲透力。第四章,主要探討四家詞法及詞體的演變、思維模式的發展、情與景組合方式的差異、語言錘鍊及用典的不同。從四家詞在形式上不斷加以總結探索,我們可以發現雅化在形式上的體現是精緻的藝術表現形式。第五章,探討四家詞在抒情結構上的獨特表現,從柳永的直線型結構、周邦彥的曲線型結構,到姜夔的曲線型結構、吳文英的窗口式結構,我們可以得到結構由簡趨繁,由自然天成到思索安排的雅化意義。第六章,探討四家詞風格的承繼嬗變,透過比較及探索傳承,我們可以發現蘇、辛巨匠與柳、秦大家和周、姜、吳之間的複雜關係,亦可發現兩宋詞風雅化的氣象變遷。末章總結本文,以為本文在設計上,從內涵、形式到風格層面,都一一作了探討,具體地反映出宋詞雅化的具體表現及實質內涵。 The Development and Change of Ya-Hwa of Sung-Tsu: A Study on the Works of Yeong Liu, Pang-Yen Chou, K’uei Chiang, and Wen-Ying Wu Abstract Ya-Hwa is one of the most important phenomena in the development of Sung-Tsu. The purpose of this study is to explore the Tsu’s change of Liu, Chou, Chiang, and Wu in the Ya-Hwa process of Sung-Tsu. In the history of Sung-Tsu, Yeong Liu, Pang-Yen Chou, K’uei Chiang, and Wen-Ying Wu not only made significant contribution to the development of Ya-Hwa of Sung-Tsu, but also their works showed some sot of successive relationship. Although the tendency of Ya-Hwa in their works are similar to each other, some noticeable differences still can be found in the subject and content, writing style, linguistic talent, artistic performance, etc. Previous studies have paid much attention to the Tsu of Liu, Chou, Chiang, and Wu; however, their successive relationship of Ya-Hwa and the differences of individual development were still intact. This article intends to compare the Ya-Hwa of four poets’ works to understand the development process and change of Sung Tsu. In order to do so, we first examine the literary phenomena of Ya-Hwa of Sung-Tsu. Then, the works of four poets were analyzed and compared to evaluate their status and contribution in the history of Ya-Hwa of Sung Tsu.


雅化 詞人詞


The Development and Change of Ya-Hwa of Sung-Tsu: A Study on the Works of Yeong Liu, Pang-Yen Chou, K’uei Chiang, and Wen-Ying Wu Abstract Ya-Hwa is one of the most important phenomena in the development of Sung-Tsu. The purpose of this study is to explore the Tsu’s change of Liu, Chou, Chiang, and Wu in the Ya-Hwa process of Sung-Tsu. In the history of Sung-Tsu, Yeong Liu, Pang-Yen Chou, K’uei Chiang, and Wen-Ying Wu not only made significant contribution to the development of Ya-Hwa of Sung-Tsu, but also their works showed some sot of successive relationship.    Although the tendency of Ya-Hwa in their works are similar to each other, some noticeable differences still can be found in the subject and content, writing style, linguistic talent, artistic performance, etc. Previous studies have paid much attention to the Tsu of Liu, Chou, Chiang, and Wu; however, their successive relationship of Ya-Hwa and the differences of individual development were still intact. This article intends to compare the Ya-Hwa of four poets’ works to understand the development process and change of Sung Tsu. In order to do so, we first examine the literary phenomena of Ya-Hwa of Sung-Tsu. Then, the works of four poets were analyzed and compared to evaluate their status and contribution in the history of Ya-Hwa of Sung Tsu.




