  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 譚克平


本研究旨在探討國三學生對補習班與學校教學的看法及其與基本學力測驗數學科之表現的關係。研究樣本選自台北市及台北縣共五所國民中學,計有11個班級的國三學生,合計378人。在研究設計方面,本研究採問卷調查法,針對學生補習情形、補習班與學校教學比較及學生對基本學力測驗的看法等方面來進行調查。從收集到的資料分析方法包括了百分比、平均值、t考驗及多元迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示,在補習情形方面,國三學生參加補習的比例佔78.84﹪。參加補習或家教的科目以數學科最多,其次是英文,第三位則是理化。父母對於學生參與補習的決定有相當的影響力。 在不同背景的學生參與補習的百分比方面,雙親教育程度落在較高學歷群之中(高中及高中以上程度)者,其子女較會去補習。男生與女生補習的百分比基本上是一樣。 在與基本學力測驗成績有關的變項方面,課後有自修的學生其基本學力測驗數學科的平均答對題數高於課後沒有自修的學生。有補習的學生其基本學力測驗數學科的平均答對題數高於沒有補習的學生。而在以迴歸分析探討與數學科基本學力測驗成績有關的變項中,發現到「學生認為以數學科為其專長科目」、「課後活動有自修」、「家中藏書量」、「有數學問題時問學校老師」、「每週平均自修時數」、「課後活動常去逛街」等六個自變項均達顯著水準。 在補習班與學校教學比較方面,無論補習班或學校上數學課時,均以老師仔細演示如何解題為最主要之上課情形。在補習班與學校如何教學生解決問題的比較方面,數學補習班在教學生解決問題方面,以分析原理為最主要。學校在教學生解決問題方面,則以分析原理、套公式為最主要。 在對基本學力測驗的看法方面,學生大致對基本學力測驗持正面看法,但是在作答時間方面則是普遍覺得時間不夠,且在升學壓力程度上仍舊有很高的百分比認為有壓力。 最後,針對研究結果提出對教育上的建議及對未來研究發展的建議。


補習 基本學力測驗 數學科


The purpose of the study is to investigate the ninth-grade students’ viewpoint on the teachings of cram schools and ordinary schools and their relationship with the performance of Basic Competence Test of Mathematics. The subjects of the study includes 378 ninth-grade students chosen from the Taipei City and the Taipei County. A questionaire was designed for the purpose. All data were analysed by the methods of percentage, mean ,t-test and multiple regression. The data of the study showed the following results: The rate of these students who had attended the cram schools was 78.84%. The number of students who studied Mathematics, English and Physics/Chemistry at the cram schools was higher than those who studied other subjects. Most of them went to cram according to their parents’ will. The higher the parents’ education level was , the more number of their children attended the cram schools. The rate of boys and girls who had attended the cram schools was basicly the same. The mean-rawscore of Basic Competence Test of Mathematics of those who self-studied was higher than those who did not self-study. The mean-rawscore of Basic Competence Test of Mathematics of those who cramed was higher than those who did not cram. The result of regression analysis showed that “students thought they were good at Mathematics” , “self-studying after school” , “the amount of books at home” , “asked their teachers when having mathematic questions” , “the self-studying hours perweek” , “often window shopping after school ”were correlated with the rawscore of Basic Competence Test of Mathematics. The teacherings of Mathematics in both cram schools and ordinary schools were majorly “demonstrate how to solve problems”. the teaching of Mathematics in cram schools majorly used the method of analyzing the principle on the aspect of problem-solving. the teaching of Mathematics in ordinary schools majorly used the methods of analyzing the principle and applying the formula on the aspect of problem-solving. The students’ opinions toward Basic Competence Test is mostly positive,while most of them think the testing time of Basic Competence Test was not enough. And there was high percentage of students who were under the pressure of the entrance examination. Finally,the suggestions on the aspects of education and future research were proposed.




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陳智偉(2011)。資訊融入情境式教學對於國中生 數學學習成效之影響〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2011.01330
