  • 學位論文


Adorno's Aesthetics and its Implications for Aesthetic Education

指導教授 : 楊深坑


本研究旨在探討阿多諾的美學及其在美育上的意涵,以回應教育與美育中的市場化、物化趨勢,以及如何揭露藝術與文化中的意識型態、解釋現代藝術與健全美育研究等美育中的相關問題。 為達成上述目的,本研究採取理論分析法。首先,闡述阿多諾美學思想的形成背景及其方法論基礎──否定辯證法。次以阿多諾的「意識型態」及「真理」兩個中心概念為基點,將其美學歸納為審美政治學及藝術真理論兩大部分並分別加以探討,評析其中的意涵。最後則以阿多諾美學思想為基礎,闡釋一種批判取向的美育理論,並以之檢視美育的理論與實踐上的問題,充實我國美育的美學理論基礎研究,提供適切的建言。 研究成果可歸結為幾個要點:一、藝術具有跳脫啟蒙神話的力量;二、否定辯證法是阿多諾美學的方法論基礎;三、文化工業隱含了法西斯主義操縱群眾心理的原理;四、現代主義藝術應保持自主性,才能具有抵抗資本主義與極權主義同一性原理的力量;五、藝術的真理內容是無意識的歷史書寫;六、批判取向的美育理論強調美育的社會批判面向,有助於彌補當前美育理論與實踐上的不足之處。 本研究根據上述結論提出了一些建議,其主要內容為:一、加強美育的社會、文化及意識型態面向的研究;二、針對美育的社會批判功能方面,進一步進行學校中的實證研究;三、各級美育活動應重視文化批判及社會批判的層面,即將藝術與文化關連到社會問題的探討,而不只是停留在磨練創作技術及欣賞教學;四、教師在美育教學上應融入培養學生自主性人格的目的,而不是只重在學習藝術知識、美感欣賞的層面。應使學生成為文化觀察者與批判者;五、美育教學應從藝術與文化中揭示並批判社會的矛盾衝突本質及歷史的痛苦記憶;六、美育應加入親自接觸自然的活動;七、在師資培育上,應將美育列入一般教育學分科目中,以養成非藝術專業教師具有分析一般生活中文化問題的能力。


The main aims of this thesis are to inquiry Adorno’s aesthetics and its implications for aesthetic education. Firstly, the author elaborate the background of Adorno’s aesthetics and his methodological basis--negative dialectics. Secondly, based on two central ideas of ‘ideology’ and ‘truth’ in Adorno’s aesthetics, this thesis inducts them as two parts--aesthetic politics and theory of art truth--and interprets them separately. Finally, the author develop the theory of aesthetic education of critical approach based on Adorno’s aesthetics and review some problems in the theory and practice of aesthetic education. Several conclusions are made as follows: 1.Arts have the power to stop circles of enlightenment myth. 2.Negative dialectics are the methodological basis of Adorno’s aesthetics. 3.Cultural industry implies the principles of manipulating the people of fascism. 4.Modernism arts should keep autonomy to possess the power of resisting the identity principles of capitalism and totalitarianism. 5.Truth content of arts are the unconscious writing of history. 6.The theory of aesthetic education of critical approach claims that aesthetic education should focus on aspects of social critic. It can complements the deficiencies of aesthetic education at present. Some suggestions are made as follows: 1.Scholars should increase the studies about aspects of social, culture and ideology in aesthetic education. 2.We can engaged in empirical studies about functions of critical aesthetic education further. 3.Aesthetic education should not just focus on the training of creative technics and art appreciation, but also emphasize the aspects of cultural critic and social critic. 4.Teachers should cultivate students having the autonomous personality and let them become the ‘cultural critics’. 5.Aesthetic teaching should discover and criticize the essences of social contradictions in arts and cultures as well as the history memory of sufferings. 6.Schooling should add the activities of contacting nature in aesthetic education. 7.Aesthetic education should be a subject and cultivate the ability of teachers to analyze cultural problems in daily life for teacher education.


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李珮瑜(2013)。Herbert Marcuse科技觀探究及其教育意蘊〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-0801201418030117
