  • 學位論文


The power of balance in educational policy-making--1-9 curriculum program

指導教授 : 黃乃熒


本研究旨在探討教育決策權力平衡的內涵,包括權力平衡之意涵、對於教育組織的影響、以及促進教育決策權力平衡的策略。並藉由教育決策權力平衡的理論檢視九年一貫課程決策,包括九年一貫課程決策權力平衡之意涵、九年一貫決策過程權力運作及權力平衡現況、九年一貫課程決策權力平衡現況對於教育組織的影響,以及有助於九年一貫課程決策權力平衡之策略。為達以上研究目的,將採用文件分析法與訪談法,針對九年一貫課程決策的相關文件資料進行蒐集與分析,以及對於九年一貫課程決策的利害關係人進行訪談。 最後根據資料分析與結果的討論,歸納結論如下: 一、九年一貫課程決策權力運作現況 (1)各界參與增加,但是代表性不足。 (2)宣導方式僵化,公聽會流於形式。 二、九年一貫課程決策權力平衡現況部分 (1)現實考量之下,利害關係人彰權益能情形有限。 (2)利害關係人之間對等與互信基礎不同。 (3)決策過程具備程序正義,但未真正達到社會正義。 三、九年一貫課程決策權力平衡現況的影響 (1)上有政策,下有對策。 (2)對話不足,各說各話。 (3)利害關係人非理性的抗拒。 (4)由下而上的發起改革的訴求。 四、促進教育決策權力平衡的策略 (1)權力分享,由下而上的匯集意見 (2)視教育組織為一開放系統,尋求外界力量支援與協助 (3)了解決策的意義,以及如何實踐


The purpose of the study is to research on the power of balance in making an educational policy, including the meaning of the power of balance, the effect of the educational organization, and strategies for promoting the power of balance. Furthermore, this study based on theory of the power of balance in an educational policy is to evaluate the 1-9 curriculum program. The specific research focuses are the meaning of the power in the 1-9 curriculum program, the use of power in the 1-9 curriculum program, influences of the power of balance on the educational organization. On the basis of the findings, some strategies are proposed to achieve the power of balance in processing the 1-9 curriculum program. Two kinds of data, relevant document concerning the 1-9 curriculum program and interviews with professional representatives are collected for analysis. According to the analysis of data and discussion, the conclusions were synthesized as follows. 1. The use of power in processing the 1-9 curriculum program. (1) Although people of different professional fields participate in the 1-9 curriculum program, those participants cannot be the significant. (2) There is not enough promotion about 1-9 curriculum program, and the public hearing does not function effectively. 2. The power of balance in processing the1-9 curriculum program. (1) Under practical considerations, the degree of empowerment for some stakeholders involved in the 1-9 curriculum program is not high. (2) Many stakeholders are found to be different in their understanding about equal and trust. (3) Procedural justice is observed in making the 1-9 curriculum program, but social justice not. 3. The effects of the power of balance in making the 1-9 curriculum program. (1) The program cannot be implemented completely. (2) There are not enough opportunities for communications and negotiations so in turn out that people have different interpretations. (3) Stakeholders unreasonably resist the 1-9 curriculum program. (4) The claim for educational reform that come from the bottom-up force. 4. The strategies for promoting the power of balance in making educational policy. (1) To collect the opinions in the power-sharing and bottom-up way. (2) To regard the educational organization as an open system, and to constantly seek cross-organizational supports and assistance. (3) To understand the meaning of this policy, and to find a effective way to implement it.




