  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 賴香如


本研究的目的主要是在了解氣喘學生與健康對照學生之生活適應狀況,並探討疾病特性與氣喘學生生活適應間的關係。研究採橫斷式調查法,以立意取樣宜蘭縣礁溪鄉三所國小四至六年級和二所國中全體學生為對象。先採用ISAAC錄影帶及書面問卷篩檢出疑似氣喘學生,再經護理人員確診訪談找出89名氣喘學生。接著,在每位氣喘學生班上選出兩位同性別、家長職業及教育程度相近,且無任何慢性疾病之健康學生為對照組。最後再以結構式問卷評估兩組學生的生活適應情形,實際有效樣本數為255人。於民國90年4月間採團體自填問卷方式施測,所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、卡方檢定、階層式複迴歸、邏輯迴歸分析及克-瓦二氏單因子等級變異數分析等統計法進行分析。研究之重要結果如下:一、 研究對象之整體生活適應狀況良好,其中以生理適應狀況最好、人際適應狀況較差。二、 氣喘學生與健康對照學生在生理適應、自覺身體症狀、一般活動限制、氣喘相關活動限制、心理適應、自尊、情緒狀態、人際適應、師長互動、手足互動、對學校喜好程度、自覺體育活動表現、學習體育難易度以及請病假情形等變項上有顯著差異,且以健康對照學生為佳。三、 在控制人口學特性之後,健康對照學生在生理適應、心理適應、人際適應、自覺體育活動表現及學習體育難易度等方面的適應情形仍比氣喘學生好。四、 疾病嚴重程度、發病年齡、過去就醫經驗、半年來是否曾因氣喘發作而緊急送醫治療、半年來是否使用治療氣喘藥物,以及是否需要隨時攜帶治療氣喘急性發作藥物等疾病特性,與氣喘學生的生活適應有關。根據研究結果對校園氣喘學生照護及教育介入,以及未來研究提出相關建議。 The present study was to understand the psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, and school performance in asthmatic and healthy students. Three primary schools and two junior high schools in I-Lan County were selected purposely. A sample of 255 fourth to ninth grade students with and without asthma in these schools are included as subjects. The subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire about psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, and school performance during April, 2001. Descriptive statistics, t-test, Chi-square test, hierarchical multiple regression, logistic regression, and Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks were used to analyze the data. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. The total adjustment of subjects were well. 2. Non-asthmatic students reported having less psychosomatic symptoms, less social adjustment problems, and greater school performance than asthmatic students. 3. Non-asthmatic students showed better adaptation in psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, self-reported physical activity performance and learning physical education than asthmatic students even though demographic variables were controlled statistically. 4. Severity of disease, age of onset, the experiences of seek medical service, the treatment and drug use for asthma were correlated with psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, and school performance in asthmatic students. Recommendations for asthmatic students care and educational interventions were made. Future studies were also suggested.


氣喘學生 生活適應


The present study was to understand the psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, and school performance in asthmatic and healthy students. Three primary schools and two junior high schools in I-Lan County were selected purposely. A sample of 255 fourth to ninth grade students with and without asthma in these schools are included as subjects. The subjects completed a self-administered questionnaire about psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, and school performance during April, 2001. Descriptive statistics, t-test, Chi-square test, hierarchical multiple regression, logistic regression, and Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks were used to analyze the data. The major findings of the study were as follows: 1. The total adjustment of subjects were well. 2. Non-asthmatic students reported having less psychosomatic symptoms, less social adjustment problems, and greater school performance than asthmatic students. 3. Non-asthmatic students showed better adaptation in psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, self-reported physical activity performance and learning physical education than asthmatic students even though demographic variables were controlled statistically. 4. Severity of disease, age of onset, the experiences of seek medical service, the treatment and drug use for asthma were correlated with psychosomatic symptoms, social adjustment, and school performance in asthmatic students. Recommendations for asthmatic students care and educational interventions were made. Future studies were also suggested.






