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本研究主要目的是瞭解國小學童家長對氣喘子女從事身體活動的支持情形,並探討家長背景因素、運動誘發氣喘相關知能及病童背景因素、疾病因素與身體活動支持情形的關係。研究採橫斷調查法,並以台北市信義區六所國小之四、五、六年級氣喘學童家長或主要照顧者為對象,並利用自編結構式問卷收集資料,共得有效樣本200份。所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、複迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 研究重要結果歸納如下: 一、研究對象對氣喘子女身體活動的支持為中等以上,對低度和中度引發氣喘的活動支持高於高度引發氣喘的活動。 二、研究對象運動誘發氣喘相關知識的答對率為65.14﹪,而預防及處理運動誘發氣喘的能力為中等程度以上。 三、家長性別、教育程度及規律運動情形與家長身體活動支持情形有顯著關係。男性、高教育程度和有規律運動習慣的家長對氣喘子女身體活動的支持度較高。 四、運動誘發氣喘相關知識、預防及處理運動誘發氣喘的能力與家長身體活動支持情形間有顯著正相關。 五、家長對男生氣喘兒童的身體活動支持度高於女生,而病童疾病狀況和過去運動誘發氣喘情形與家長身體活動支持情形間並無顯著關係存在。 六、病童性別、家長性別、家長教育程度、家長運動誘發氣喘相關知識、家長預防及處理運動誘發氣喘的能力與家長規律運動行為等六變項對家長身體活動支持情形的變異解釋力為36.9%,其中以病童性別、家長預防及處理運動誘發氣喘的能力與家長規律運動行為最具影響力,若僅以此三個變項來說明家長身體活動支持情形,其解釋力為33.5%。 研究最後並對未來有關氣喘兒童身體活動的教育介入及相關研究提出建議。 關鍵字:家長、氣喘兒童、身體活動、家長支持


Study of Parental Support and Other Relative Factors Toward Physical Activities of Asthma Children A Master Thesis By Tseng, Hsiu-Lan Abstract The purpose of this study was to understand the extent of parents’support toward physical activities of children with asthmatic illness in the elementary schools. This study also explored the relationships between educational and professional backgrounds of the parents and their related knowledge about exercise-induced asthma. Various background factors and disease conditions of asthmatic children, parents’ knowledge, ability and their attitude toward children’s physical activities were discussed. The method adopted in this study was cross-sectional survey. The study subjects were 200 parents of the asthmatic children who were 4th, 5th and 6th graders in six chosen elementary schools in Hsin-Yi district of Taipei City. A self-administrated questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were then analyzed and compiled from the statistics of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regressions. Main findings of the study include: 1. The subject maintains a moderate to high supportive attitude toward their asthmatic children’s physical activity. The extent of the subject’s supportive attitude toward lowly and mildly asthmogenic activities was higher than that toward highly asthmogenic activities. 2. The rate of the subject’s correct and related knowledge about EIA was 65.14 percent.Besides,the subject’s ability to prevent and cope with EIA was above the moderate level. 3. Parents’genders,educational levels and conditions of doing regular exercise had a close relationship with their attitudes toward the physical activities of their children. In addition, male parents who had advanced educational level and did exercise regularly had higher supportive attitude toward physical activities of their asthmatic children than female parents. 4. There was a positive correlation between the subject’s attitude toward physical activities of their children and the subject’s knowledge, prevention and management of EIA. 5. Parents had higher supportive attitude toward asthmatic boys than asthmatic girls.However,children’s disease conditions and their history of exercise-induced asthma do not have a distinct relationship with parents’support toward physical activities. 6. Genders of the children,parents’genders and educational level knowledge and the efficacy of preventive and management of in exercise-induced asthma,as well as the regularity of parents' physical exercises could explain 36.9% variance in parents' support towart children in physical activities.Furthermore,genders of the children, the efficacy of preventive and management of EIA, and the regularity of physical of the parents are more influential. These three variables could explain 33.5% the variance. Further suggestions had been made for future educational intervention and relative research in physical activities of asthma children in this study.






