  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃松元


本研究旨在瞭解國中生對「健康教育」課程的需求以及國中健康教育教師對九年一貫課程「健康與體育」學習領域課程變革的感受、看法與準備程度,並分析九年一貫課程「健康與體育」學習領域第三階段第一及第七主題軸之能力指標,探討適合之課程內容,以作為課程發展的依據。 本研究經文獻探討後設計問卷,抽樣調查台北縣三重區公立國中二、三年級學生並對本區內六所公立國中之健康教育教師進行普查,得有效樣本分別為學生798人,教師45人。資料經統計分析與討論後,得到重要結論如下: 1. 台北縣三重區公立國中健康教育任課教師以女性居多,而受測的健康教育任課教師中,有近五成教師是配課狀況。 2. 有七成以上的教師瞭解九年一貫課程,六成以上的受測教師認為「學校本位課程發展」是可行的,但有近六成受測教師認為「健康」與「體育」統整教學不太可行。 3. 大部份教師對九年一貫課程是在「稍有準備」的狀況。對九年一貫課程的實施,感覺壓力沉重的教師並不多,但有六成以上的教師擔心未來的課程發展。 4. 受測學生對現行健康教育課程各大單元皆有六成左右的滿意度,而對男教師授課的滿意度高於女教師。 Ⅰ 5. 男生認為促進身體健康、增強體能、運動等項目列入國中健康課程的必要性明顯高於女生。 6.女生認為兩性議題、預防性侵害、懷孕、墮胎等項目列入國中健康課程的必要性明顯高於男生。 7.由女教師教授健康教育課程的學生,較重視兩性方面的課程。 8. 在生長、發展及兩性議題上,三年級學生的關注程度高於二年級學生。 9. 教師比學生明顯重視的是促進健康、體能與兩性教育方面的課程。 本研究於結論中所研擬之國中階段「健康與體育」學習領域第一及第七主題軸課程內容提供未來任教「健康與體育」學習領域的教師們參考。


九年一貫 健康課程


The purpose of this study was to understand the needs of junior high school students for the course of health, the opinions and feeling of junior high school health teachers towards the health curriculum revisions, and their readiness for the curriculum revisions. Besides, in order to investigate the criteria for adequate course content and to provide criteria for curriculum development, this study aimed to analyze the ability criteria of the first and seventh topics in the third phase of health and physical education domain. After reviewing the related literature, the author designed a questionnaire with the purpose to investigate the eighth- and ninth-grade students and health teachers in the six public junior high schools in Sanchung, Taipei. The valid sample consisted of 798 students and 45 teachers as the subjects in this study. After all the collected data were analyzed statistically and discussed, important conclusions are as follows: 1. The majority of health teachers in public junior high schools in Sanchung are females. Among all the teachers, nearly fifty percent are not health majors. 2. More than seventy percents of the teachers understand Grade 1-9 curriculum. More than sixty percent of the teachers consider school-based curriculum development workable. However, almost sixty percent of the teachers do not believe that it is possible to integrate the teaching of health and physical education. 3. With the implementation of Grade 1-9 curriculum, most of the teachers are a little well-prepared. Teachers who feel pressure are in the minority. More than sixty percent of the teachers are worrying about the future curriculum development. 4. The students show sixty percent of satisfaction towards nowadays’ health curriculum. Male teachers are more satisfied by the students than female teachers. 5. It is more obvious for male students than female ones to consider it essential to include these items into the curriculum, such as promoting health, exhancing physical strength and exercise. Ⅲ 6. Female students, more obviously than male ones, think that sex-related topics, prevention of sexual abuse, pregnancy and abortion should be included in the health curriculum of junior high school. 7. The students instructed by female teachers put more emphasis on the curriculum about the sex-related topics. 8. As far as growth, development and sex-related topics are concerned, the ninth graders tend to pay more attention than the eighth graders. 9. Teachers obviously put more stress on the curriculum related to health promotion, physical strength and sex-related topics. Based on the curriculum of the first and seventh topics of health and physical education domain in junior high school, this study is intended to provide some useful suggestions mentioned in the conclusion for teachers who will be the instructors of health and physical education domain in Grade 1-9 curriculum in the near future.




American School Health Association. (1990). Criteria for Comprehensive Health Education Curricula. Kent, OH.: The Association.
American School Health Association. (1999). School Health in America: An Assessment of State Policies to Protect and Improve the Health of Students. 6 th ed. Kent, OH.: The Association.
Byrd,OE. (2001). The health curriculum: 500 topics. The Journal of School Health, 71(8), 396 – 400.


