  • 學位論文


The application of the texture and form of woodcut in visual communication design creation

指導教授 : 張柏舟


木刻版畫是現存最古老的印刷技術之一,具有複數印刷的特性,也因此得以藉此項工具達到人類知識文明傳播的目的,但因時代、使用媒材、工具之改變,木刻版畫逐漸被新式印刷技術所取代。除去印刷上的原因不談,木刻版畫風格作品於歷史中從未缺席,並隨著時代的演變而發展出不同風格的面貌,應用的深度及廣度也因應時代的改變而產生變化。木刻版畫質感形式作品具備視覺效果強烈的特性,因此作為宣傳品或是特殊情境表達能有優良的表現。 本文將概要介紹木刻版畫發展沿革,綜合整理過往應用之範圍,並就視覺上的特性逐一分析比較,藉由分析比較的過程,進而推究其新進電腦科技視覺傳達設計上的特殊意義與表現手法,試圖歸納出可依循之法則,以作為電腦輔助應用時之依據與原理。 電腦時代的到來,也宣示了新世代的技術革命,木刻版畫質感形式作品與電腦結合應用勢在必行,電腦可針對色彩、層次、質感、線條變化等層面帶來新的刺激與表現。本研究將藉由電腦之輔佐,以實際圖例呈現出電腦仿製木刻版畫質感形式作品所能造成的改變與特殊效果變化。


Woodcut is one of the oldest printing skills at present. This technology, due to its nature, has been the main method of descending civilization for generations. Following the change of material and tool of printing industry, the old wood-cut-technology on some way eventually was replaced by the newer printing-technologies. Nevertheless, the unique work of woodcut has never been deprived from the history. Its vogue style and application change tremendously as the change of time. The texture and form of woodcut has a very strong visual effect, therefore, this nature has become the means of statement of mass media and certain particular design. This paper contains the history and application of woodcut and the analysis of its visual characteristics. The following context is, first of all, to show the brief introduction of its historical progress; second, to analyze and compare its individual visual characteristic through compiling the former data. All that process then will be combined with computer technology to evolve some acceptable rules that can be used as the principles and foundation of computer-aided visual communication. This is the age of computer; it declares the technology revolution of new time. The combination of woodcut and computer is on the go. Computer is able to generate new excitement and statement of color, layer, texture and line, which brings up a new vision of performance and keeps the essence of the artwork. The outcomes of this research are generated by computer-aided visual simulation, which aim to show the new technology of computer on woodcut art.


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