  • 學位論文


Grammaticalization of Tioh in Taiwanese Southern Min

指導教授 : 李櫻


中文摘要 本文主旨是從言談語用(discourse-pragmatic)及認知(cognitive)的角度來探討並串連台閩語中「著」的各種用法。和傳統作法不同之處,本文採用真實語料(authentic data)更能看出不同的語意是如何從語境(context)中得出。 根據當代語料,顯示「著」有五種主要語法類別:動詞(a main verb),情態助動詞(a modal verb),連接副詞(a connective adverb),動詞補語(a verbal complement),以及句尾助詞(a final particle)。本文主張「著」的各種用法源自其動詞意義:一個移動的客體擊中它的標的物(a trajector hitting the target),經由隱喻衍伸(metaphorical extension)及對語隱涵(conversational implicature),聽話者可以得出各種語意,如「中」(hitting)、「遭受」(suffering)、「必需」(demanding)、「輪班」(turn-taking)、「精確」(exactly)等涵意。隨著語用意義(pragmatic meaning)的增加,實質語意(lexical meaning)在語法化過程中會漸漸淡化(bleaching)。 「著」的演變主要呈現兩條語法化路徑。一條由動作動詞(a motion verb),複合動詞(a serial verb),動詞補語(a verbal complement),虛化成為動詞詞尾(a verbal suffix),伴隨語意由命中(hitting)、附著(attachment),轉變到完成(achievement)的抽象化過程。另一條由動作動詞(a motion verb)出發,經過句中的情態助動詞(a modal verb),兩句之間的連接副詞(a connective adverb),到段落之間的言談詞(a discourse marker),這種由實到虛的發展路徑,符合Traugott所提出的副詞演變過程。本文指出,語意的抽象化有助於「著」在語法的修飾範圍(syntactic scope)擴大及語音上的弱化(reduction)。


ENGLISH ABSTRACT This study expounds and relates the seemingly different functions of tioh from a discourse-pragmatic perspective with the help of cognitive notions. Based on synchronic authentic data, the current thesis not only deals with how tioh performs its functions in discourse, but also reveals how its new interpretations arise from the context. The occurrences of tioh in the database have been observed to act as a main verb, a modal verb, a connective adverb, a verbal complement, and even a final particle, but the boundaries between categories are not discrete. Specifically, tioh as a main verb is found to express various senses: ‘hitting’, ‘suffering’, ‘demanding’, ‘turn-taking’ and ‘exactly’, which exhibits the phenomenon of layering. We argue that it is motivated by metaphorical extensions of an underlying image schema: a trajector hitting the target. Such metaphorical extensions of tioh give rise to pragmatically associated interpretations, which in turn are conventionalized through repeated use. Moreover, with the strengthening of pragmatic meanings, it seems to be accompanied by semantic bleaching, loss of syntactic freedom, and reduction of phonetic significance in the process of grammaticalization. The polysemy of tioh has demonstrated a case of poly-grammaticalization, by which the diversified features of tioh are related. For one cline, tioh develops from a motion verb, a serial verb, a verbal complement, and a verbal suffix, along with the process of semantic abstraction which in turn denotes a concrete meaning hitting, attachment, and an abstract meaning achievement. For the other cline, tioh grammaticalizes from a motion verb, to a modal verb in a local construction, a connective adverb between clauses, and in turn to a discourse marker in a global discourse level. The evolutionary path developing from the more lexical to the more grammatical generally parallels an adverbial cline proposed by Traugott (1995b). It has been found that such structural decategorialization and semantic abstraction of tioh may lead to freer syntactic scope of the new construction, and accords with its gradient phonetic reduction from tioh3, to toh3, and to7.


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