  • 學位論文


A Research on Digital Image Composition for Tourism Poster

指導教授 : 蘇茂生


國人因教育的普及;個人素質也相對的提高;週休二日的推行更帶動國內觀光業蓬勃的發展,然而,相對於休閒的期望也較不同以往,於是許多觀光業者為吸引更多的遊客,在消費者導向的趨使之下;也使得觀光業更多元化,然而做為觀光業的先鋒;觀光海報的設計如何能夠傳遞更完善的訊息;是本研究的重要的課題。 海報設計在現代平面設計的領域中;僅是其中的一項,但是卻佔有相當重要的地位。而無論是海報設計或是其他平面設計;作品也無非是利用圖與文的排列組合,亦即選擇有效的圖像,並藉由這些圖像來傳達某一概念,再使用文字讓這一概念更形具體,然後完整地傳遞創作者的巧思;藉以說服消費者或觀眾。 21世紀也正是數位時代的來臨,它影響所及的不只是人們的生活模式,人們的思考或互動的方式也都較以往不同,連藝術創作也因此產生了新的風貌。在數位的世界裡,創作者利用各種數位化的工具、開發各種形態的藝術數位化作品,讓觀賞者能夠普遍地享受更高品質的藝術創作。 本研究主要是以電腦為創作工具,在探討平面設計的發展過程後;並為數位科技做概括描述。數位影像既是新掘起創作工具,因此,在視覺設計史也佔有著重要的一環,由此故,從何謂數位影像,進一步探討數位影像在作為觀光海報的視覺表現,以作為此次創作之參考依據與理念來源。


數位影像 海報 觀光


As the popularization of education, the awareness of aesthetics and design has advanced in our society. As well, the tourism has flourished with the introduction of the five-day workweek. People now have a different expectation for enjoying their leisure time as they did before. In order to attract more tourists, the tourism industry has become more versatile in accommodating the consumer’s demands. One of the key advertising tools the tourism industry uses is the promotional poster. Therefore, how to deliver a clear message through the design of these posters will be the main focus of my research. Poster design plays a significant role in the field of graphic design although it is just one kind of graphic design. No matter in what kind of design, the poster design or other kinds of graphic design, artists express their creative thoughts by arranging and combining images and words. These images and words represent a concept, which fully communicate the creator’s thoughts, and are used to persuade their customers and audiences. With the coming of 21 century, a digital era, it not only affects people’s life and how people think and interact but also the style of creating art. In the digital art world, artists use different digital tools and create various forms of digital artworks, which allow people to enjoy a higher quality of artworks more commonly. Computers are used as tools in today’s creative process. In my research, I will first examine the history of graphic design, and further discuss the techniques used for creating digital art. Digital image is a new innovating method for creating artwork and it plays an important role in the history of contemporary visual art. As a result, the study of digital images, and further more, the study of the usages of digital images in tourism posters are important references and foundations of this research.


digital image poster tourism


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3. 林淵岳,《傳統繪畫與數位影像在視覺傳達設計上之運用》,臺北,國立臺灣師大設計研究所論文,2001
4. 李兆隆,《數位影像構成於視覺傳達設計之研究與應用》,臺北,國立臺灣師大設計研究所論文,2002
5. 彭漢津,《意象聯想的感動在平面設計之應用與研究─以旅遊海報為例》臺北,國立臺灣師大設計研究所論文,2002
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