  • 學位論文


A research of service learning project of elementary and secondary schools in Taipei County

指導教授 : 柯正峰博士


本研究旨在瞭解台北縣立中小學推展服務學習方案之現況,並根據研究結果提出結論與建議。 為達上述目的編製「台北縣立中小學服務學習方案調查問卷」實施問卷調查,蒐集相關資料。研究對象以台北縣之公立中小學現任主任、組長、教師為範圍。 本研究抽樣時依效標效度以採分層隨機抽樣,第一層以台北縣政府教育局所劃分的九大學區為分層標準,再依「學校規模大小」及所在區域之比率抽取約四分之一學校為第二層的標準,為兼顧母群學校規模大小的實際分配狀況,研究者參酌各學區學校數目與規模大小及比率後,以隨機抽樣抽取72所學校為樣本學校,並委請各校校長隨機抽樣若干主任、組長、教師,作為研究的樣本。共回收有效樣本498份,問卷可用率達87.99%。再分別以平均數、標準差、寇克蘭Q考驗、t考驗、單因子多變項變異數分析等統計方法對研究資料進行統計分析,主要發現如下: 一、台北縣立中小學推展服務學習的現況與實施及執行現況尚稱良好。 二、中小學教師或行政人員對服務學習有正確的認知。 三、不同教育階段、學校所在地、學校成立時間及試辦經驗在服務學習方案實施 上有顯著差異。 四、不同年齡、服務年資、學歷背景及職務等四個教師背景因素是影響教師推動服務學習的重要因素。 五、台北縣中小學推動服務學習與現有課程結合情形已達良好程度。 六、不同教育階段與學校成立時間影響服務學習與課程結合實施。 七、不同年齡、服務年資、學歷背景及職務因素影響教師實施服務學習與課程結合。 八、不同教育階段、學校所在、學校規模、學校歷史及學校試辦經驗影響服務學習地點的選擇。 九、經費及資源不足是台北縣中小學推動服務學習的困境。 十、增列經費、協助家長及社區〈機構〉的積極參與及訂定獎勵標準以解決台北縣服務學習方案推動的困難。 十一、台北縣中小學服務學習實施及與課程結合以國小表現最佳成效。 根據研究結論,提出以下建議: 一、中央主管機關的建議 (一)向下延伸服務學習的政策。 (二)與九年一貫課程作適度的結合 二、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)提供充足的經費及資源。 (二)建立服務學習資訊網絡。 (三)師資培育過程的再檢討,提供學校人員在職進修機會。 (四)建立服務學習獎勵制度。 (五)規劃完善的課程。 三、對學校單位的建議 (一)引進社區資源,增加與社區〈機構〉的互動。 (二)學校應加強對服務學習的推展,且須長時間的規劃。 (三)強化教師專業能力的培養及學習統整的教學法。 (四)應重視生活中心,結合九年一貫課程領域實施教學。 (五)激發學生服務學習動機,鼓勵學生參與。 (六)爭取家長的認同及參與,強化支持體系。 三、對未來相關研究的建議 (一)進行質的研究 (二)擴大研究範圍 (三)擴大研究對象 (四)擴充研究領域 (五)整合研究變項


ABSTRACT The study aims at realizing the current situation of “the Service-Learning Promotion Project of Primary Schools in Taipei County,” and brings up conclusions and suggestions according to the results of the research. To achieve this goal, we devise a questionnaire on “the Service-Learning Project of Primary Schools in Taipei County,” and conduct surveys to collect related data and information. The research subjects include the incumbent directors, co-directors and teachers in public schools in Taipei County. This study, according to criterion-related validity, is conducted through a stratified random sampling. The first layer is based on the nine attended school areas regulated by Taipei County Education Bureau, and according to the ration of school scales and school numbers in that area, we draw out nearly one-fourth of schools to be the standard numbers of the second layer. And then, considering the distribution of the population of schools with different scales, researchers making reference to the ratio of the numbers and scales of schools at each district, randomly draw out seventy-two schools as samples. Besides, principals at each school are committed to randomly sample directors, co-directors and teachers as sampling as well. Of all the questionnaires sent out, four hundred and ninety eight completed ones are obtained and studied. The availability is up to 87.99%. Besides, we use average mean, standard deviation, Cochran's-test Q-test, T-test and one-way Analysis-of-Varinnce to analyze and calculate the research database. Followings are the main discoveries we’ve found: A.The current situation and execution of “the Service-Learning Promotion Project of Primary Schools in Taipei County,” is good. B.Teachers or faculties in primary schools have correct recognition of Service-Learning. C.The discrepancies exist in executing the Service-Learning Project, different educational stages, and location, founding years and practical experiences of schools. D.Four features: age, serving year, academic background and position, play an important part in influencing teachers to push the Service-Learning into execution. E.The result of combining Service-Learning of Primary Schools in Taipei County with current curriculum is good. F.Different educational stages and the founding years of schools influence the combination of Service-Learning and curriculum. G.Different ages, serving years, the academic background and positions influence teachers’ combining Service-Learning with curriculum. H.Different educational stages, and locations, scales, founding years and practice experiences of schools influence the select of site of Service-Learning. I.The difficulty in advocating the Service-Learning of primary schools in Taipei County lies in the insufficient expenses and resources. J.To solve the problem of promoting the Service-Learning Project in Taipei County, it is necessary to provide an encouragement system, enlarge budgets and help parents and social communities/ institutions to actively participate. K.Elementary schools obtain the best results of combining the Service-Learning of Primary Schools in Taipei County with curriculum. According to the results, followings are some suggestions we proposed: A:Suggestions to the central management administrations: a: Prolong the Service-Learning policy. b: Properly connect with the Grade one-nine Curriculum. B:Suggestions to educational administrations: a:Provide sufficient expenses and resources. b:Establish information network of Service-Learning. c:Overhaul the process of teacher education and provide opportunities of further studies for in-service teachers. d:Establish the encouragement system for Service-Learning. e:Devise well-designed curriculum. C:Suggestions to school units: a:Introduce community resources and increase the interactions with social communities. b:Schools need to step up the promotion of Service-Learning, and have long-term plans. c:Enhance the development of teachers’ proficiency and teaching methods of integrated courses. d:Put emphasis on daily life and connect it with the Grade One-Nine Curriculum learning areas for teachings. f:Inspire students’ motivate in Service-Learning, and enourage them to actively participate. g:Strive for parents’ recognition and participation, and enforce the supportive system. D:Suggestions to future related study: a:Conduct the qualitative studies. b:Explore the study areas. c:Enlarge the research subjects. d:Expand the study fields. e:Integrate the variables in study.






