  • 學位論文


3D digital image is in the science fiction scenario illustration research of the application.

指導教授 : 張柏舟


在近代平面設計的歷史過程中,有三項發明成果影響最為深遠巨大,第一是十五世紀中葉,德國人古騰堡(Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg,c. 1387-1468 of Mainz, Germany),發明了金屬活字印刷術,第二是攝影技術在1871年左右被紐約發明家 John Calvin Moss初步嘗試用在印刷製版上,第三也是在重要的一項,個人電腦在1981年被發明了,廣泛地運用到設計與印刷過程裡,取代了以往的剪刀、尺和膠水,甚至也取代了攝影暗房技術,產生了天翻地覆,前所未有的改變。 設計繪畫的領域中,當然不可避免地,也同樣接受到這些衝擊,尤其是電腦繪圖軟體不斷進步,用電腦來繪製設計繪畫已非常普遍,而運用電腦3D軟體來製作設計繪畫,則是近十年來才有許多人嘗試。原因是以往價格昂貴,硬體條件不夠,簡單的3D影像或動畫,需要工作站級的電腦才能運算。現在不但3D軟體價格不斷下降,個人電腦的運算速度也突飛猛進,當3D軟體本身操作容易,功能增強,國際上許多設計繪畫家開始在傳統工具之外,將3D影像符號溶入於設計繪畫畫面當中。 設計繪畫在製作過程中,注入了這些超能量軟體工具時,必然產生許多值得觀察玩味的現象,設計繪畫設計構成與理念也必定隨著舊面貌改變,新面貌的誕生,有了許多不可預期的特殊經驗,構思創意再怎麼天馬行空,強大的軟體工具皆可用「虛擬」方式表達出非常寫實的影像,並給予設計繪畫家超乎想像的修改空間。 本篇研究報告就是敘述這些試探過程的影像經驗,介紹用3D軟體製作設計繪畫的方法與過程,並以科幻情境設計繪畫為例,創作實例以剖析3D數位影像溶入設計繪畫領域的可行性。


設計繪畫 數位影像 3D 虛擬


During historic process of contemporary Graphic Design, there are three lines of major discoveries that influence us significantly. First, in the middle of fifteen century, Johann Gensfleisch zum Gutenberg (c. 1387 – 1468 of Mainz, Germany)discovered metallic movable-type printing. Second, in around 1871, John calvin Moss made the first attempt to apply photo technology to the printing. Third, at 1981, personal computer was widely applied to replace scissors, rulers and glue, even to substitute the photo technique in dark rooms. This turns out to produce an unprecedented impact. In the field of Illustrations design, it is unavoidable that the same impact also occurs, particularly due to the rapid progress of computer graphic software. It is quite popular to use computer to create graphs or illustrations. However, attempts have not been made to use three-dimensional software for graphing until recent ten years. The reason is due to a high price. Nowadays, not only the price of three-dimensional software is decreasing rapidly, but also the running speed for personal computer is in rapid progress. As it is easier to operate in three-dimensional program, its function does better. In addition to using conventional illustrators start to apply the symbols or graphs derived from three- dimensional software to their graphs or images. In the process of making illustrations, as illustrators instilled such super-power software tools, it certainly produces many phenomenal, which are worth of being observed. As a result, graph design and idea must replace the old style, and new pattern will appear. Many unpredictable experiments will come out. No matter what the design or idea comes out, powerful software tools will use the virtual methods to express the realistic identical images. Also given the illustrator is very big to modify hazard of works. The goal of this report is to describe the image experience of probing into this process and to introduce the methods and patterns how to use three-dimensional software to make illustrations. also create physically works and analyze regarding the illustration of the science fiction as the example, Three-dimensional digit image and traditional the probability combined by illustration.


