  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationships between Principals’ Transformational Leadership and School Effectiveness of Junior High Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 游進年 先生


本研究旨在探討桃園縣立國民中學校長轉型領導運用與學校效能的實際情況,並分析兩者之間的關係並依據研究結果,研擬改進與建議。 本研究以『國民中學校長轉型領導問卷』及『國民中學學校效能問卷』調查法為主,半結構式訪談為輔,受試者包括桃園縣公立國民中學校長、主任、組長、導師、專任老師,共869人,其中有效樣本688人可用率為79.2%,本研究以SPSS for Windows 10.0版套裝軟體的統計分析軟體為工具,玆將研究結果分述如下: 一、桃園縣國中教育人員知覺校長轉型領導與學校效能均為中上程度。 二、桃園縣不同背景國中教育人員知覺校長轉型領導有顯著差異。 (一) 不同性別的教育人員知覺校長轉型領導有顯著差異。 (二) 不同年齡的教育人員知覺校長轉型領導有顯著差異。 (三) 不同服務年資的教育人員知覺校長轉型領導有顯著差異。 (四) 擔任不同職務的教育人員知覺校長轉型領導有顯著差異。 (五) 不同學校規模的教育人員知覺校長轉型領導有顯著的差異。 三、桃園縣不同背景國中教育人員知覺學校效能有顯著差異。 (一) 不同性別的教育人員知覺學校效能有顯著差異。 (二) 不同年齡的教育人員知覺學校效能有顯著差異。 (三) 不同服務年資的教育人員知覺學校效能有顯著差異。 (四) 擔任不同職務的教育人員知覺學校效能有顯著差異。 四、桃園縣國民中學「校長轉型領導」各層面與「學校效能」各層面有極顯著正相關。 五、桃園縣國民中學「校長轉型領導」行為對整體「學校效能」有顯著預測力。 根據上述結論提出以下建議供作參考: 一、 對教育行政機關的建議: (一) 舉辦校長轉型領導知能進修活動 (二) 校長甄選應加強國中校長的領導專業知能 (三) 鼓勵各校舉辦轉型領導知能進修活動 (四) 參考本研究之校長轉型領導與學校效能指標,作為評鑑學校的依據。 二、 對國民中學校長的建議 (一) 校長應加強與學校教育人員溝通 (二) 校長應多吸收轉型領導之理念,並具體運用 (三) 校長宜就學校效能指標,作為辦學工作重點 (四) 校長應實施行政職務輪調制,並重視與未兼行政教育人員的互動 (五) 校長應表揚資深優良教育人員使之成為教育人員的楷模 (六) 校長應支持與關懷女性教育人員 (七) 校長宜強化家長與學校關係


The purposes of this research were to explore the status quo and the relationship between the applications of principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness of junior high schools in Taoyuan County. Some recommendations for improvement were made according to the research conclusions. This study was proceeding with surveys of “principals’ transformational leadership of junior high schools” and “school effectiveness of junior high schools” as well as semi-constructed interview. 869 samples were chosen from schools in Taoyuan County. They were principals, department deans, department assistant deans, homeroom teachers and non-homeroom teachers of junior high school. Finally, 688 data were collected and were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 for Windows and the conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. The teachers of junior high schools perceived an upper level on principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness. 2. The teachers of junior high school had different perception of principals’ transformational leadership among different backgrounds. (1) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ transformational leadership between different genders. (2) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ transformational leadership among different ages. (3) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ transformational leadership among different service periods. (4) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ transformational leadership among different positions. (5) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high school teachers in principals’ transformational leadership among different sizes of schools. 3. The teachers of junior high schools had different perception of school effectiveness among different backgrounds. (1) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high schools teachers in school effectiveness between different genders. (2) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high schools teachers in school effectiveness among different ages. (3) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high schools teachers in school effectiveness among different service periods. (4) There is a significant difference of the perception of junior high schools teachers in school effectiveness among different positions. 4. There were positive and strongly significant correlations among all dimensions of principals’ transformational leadership and school effectiveness. 5. Principals’ transformational leadership had predicative efficacy for all the dimensions of school effectiveness. Based on the conclusions, several recommendations were made for the authorities of concerned and junior high schools’ principals. 1. Recommendations for the authorities of concerned: (1)They should hold more in-service training programs about principals’ transformational leadership. (2)They should enhance more principals’ leadership programs into principals’ selection. (3)They should encourage junior high school to offer more in-service training programs about the transformational leadership. (4)Dimensions of principals’ transformational leadership and indictors of school effectiveness should be taken into consideration for school evaluation. 2. Recommendations for school principals: (1)They should keep good communication with school teachers. (2)They should learn more about transformational leadership and apply it into practice. (3)They should run school affairs on the basis of school effectiveness. (4)They should set up the rotation system for extra administrative work and pay attention to the interaction with teachers without administrative task. (5)They should praise senior and excellent teachers and let them become the models for school teachers. (6)They should care about female teachers and back them up. (7)They should enhance the school-community relationship.


Leithwood, K. A.(1992).The move toward transformational leadership. Educational Leadership, 49(5), 8-12﹒


