  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Implementation of School-based Curriculum Evaluation at the Junior High Level

指導教授 : 方炎明博士 單文經博士


中文摘要 本研究主要在探討學校本位課程評鑑在國內國民中學實施的可行性。本研究以一所國民中學為例,透過該校學校本位課程評鑑的實施,以瞭解其實施學校本位課程的現況,判斷其課程的內在價值與實施成效,並發現其課程的缺失,加以改進;其次,本研究也試圖發現課程發展過程中人、事與物互動的情形。 本研究以福山國民中學(化名)作為研究對象,以該校主題統整課程為評鑑課題,進行學校本位課程評鑑的行動研究,俾便發展出適合的學校本位課程評鑑參考模式。本研究藉由相關文件分析,運用檢核表、問卷調查,進行教學觀察,實施焦點座談,以及個人的省思等方法蒐集資料,加以分析與詮釋,以呈現課程評鑑的真實面貌。 本研究的發現可以簡述如下:以「行動研究」進行學校本位課程評鑑是可行的模式;學校本位課程評鑑與課程發展應同步進行;學校可以透過組織學習,形成溫馨陪伴與相互學習的增能社群;事先需要縝密的課程評鑑計畫,發展脈絡化與意義化的評鑑指標與適切化的評鑑工具;開放多元的參與,融入不同的視野,能提升課程評鑑之效度與信度;賦權增能的學校本位課程評鑑仍需專家的協助;學校本位課程評鑑需要外部評鑑的平衡;應重視內外部的溝通與對話,以觸發教師課程意識的覺知;實施轉型的課程領導,為教師搭起一個課程論述的舞台;評鑑結果的回饋與分享,造成觸媒效用的影響力;依法設置專責單位,負責課程評鑑的業務推動;課程評鑑的結果應確實利用,課程的發展宜持續追蹤。 最後,本研究建議一般的國民中學應從「做中學」實施學校本位課程評鑑;另外,本研究亦建議主管教育行政機關對學校之課程評鑑應扮演積極輔導的角色。


This study aims to explore the feasibility of implementing school-based curriculum evaluation at the junior high school level in Taipei city. Through the implementation of school-based curriculum evaluation, the researcher wishes to understand the current practices of school-based curriculum, gauge the internal value and effects of the curriculum, and pinpoint the curricular flaws to improve on; also, the researcher aims to find out the interaction among people, events, and facilities involved in the processes of curriculum development. Fu-shan Junior High School (a pseudo name) was selected for the study. Integrated thematic curriculum was highlighted as the evaluation topic. An action research of school-based curriculum evaluation was carried out to develop an appropriate reference model. Data collected from related documents, checklists, questionnaires, class observation, focal seminars, and personal reflection were analyzed and interpreted to present the realities of curriculum evaluation. The findings of the study are presented as follows: 1.The implementation of school-based curriculum evaluation using “action research” is a feasible model. 2.School-based curriculum evaluation and curriculum development should proceed simultaneously. 3.Through organizational learning schools can develop into empowering societies of congenial companionship and reciprocal learning. 4.Curriculum evaluation needs to be meticulously planned beforehand, and networked and meaningful evaluation criteria and appropriate evaluation tools needs to be developed. 5.Open and varied participation and the incorporation of different viewpoints are likely to raise the validity and reliability of curriculum evaluation. 6.The empowerment of school-based curriculum evaluation still needs assistance from experts. 7.Outsider evaluation is needed to maintained the balance of school-based curriculum evaluation 8.Internal and external communication and conversation should be emphasized to trigger teachers’ awareness of curricular consciousness. 9.Transformative curricular leadership should be enforced to provide a platform for teachers’curriculum-related discussion. 10.The feedback and sharing of evaluation results would bring about the influence of catalytic validity. 11.A special unit should be set up according to the regulations to oversee the implementation of curriculum evaluation. 12.The results of curriculum evaluation should be put to good use, and the development of curriculum should be followed up. Finally, junior high schools are suggested to implement school-based curriculum evaluation “by trial and error.” It is also suggested that the educational administration in charge play a role of an active counselor in the curriculum evaluation of schools.




chen, Y. (2005). 從雁行理論探討課程發展委員會 之執行成效 -以桃園縣國民中學為例- [master's thesis, Chung Yuan Christian University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200500360
