  • 學位論文


Examinees’ Cognition and Coping Strategies towards the Recommendation and Screening System of Higher Education Entrance Exam

指導教授 : 王麗雲博士


本研究的主要目的在對於甄選制度的實際情況進行研究,並自其中歸納與分析影響甄選入學的相關因素。本研究欲瞭解甄選入學的政策理念、運作情形,同時探討考生對於甄選入學的認知與因應策略,最後並試以文化資本與社會資本對甄選入學進行檢視。 本研究以訪談方式進行,研究以參加2004年大學甄選入學之考生為研究對象。本研究共選取台北市三所公立高中的十八名參加甄選之考生為受訪對象,每校各有六名受訪考生。 研究發現如下: 壹、考生對於甄選入學制度的認知 一、考生對於甄選入學的認知主要來自於就讀之高中 二、大部分考生真正認知甄選入學制度是在高三時期 三、大部分考生對於校內推薦初選的標準並不清楚 貳、考生對於甄選入學制度的因應策略 一、考生的選擇多經過理性計算 二、考生大多到高三才開始積極準備甄選 三、考生尋找資源以面對甄選 參、文化資本在甄選入學制度中的實際運作 一、家長對課業輔導的協助是以經濟資本補足文化資本 二、面試內容與文化資本關係密切 三、才藝學習對甄選入學的影響不大 四、文化資本需主動運用才能發揮效用 肆、社會資本在甄選入學制度中的實際運作 一、社會資本影響考生的選擇 二、社會資本影響學生準備方向之找尋 三、家長的社會資本對於學生面試的幫助有限 四、社會資本亦需主動運用 最後並分別對學校、學生以及未來的研究提出相關建議。


Abstract This study investigates the Recommendation and Screening System of higher education entrance exams, aiming to clarifying the mechanism guiding the functioning of the system. Cultural capital and social capital perspectives are employed to exam how the system assigns examinees to different departments and schools. The Recommendation and Screening system is newly established as part of the higher education entrance exams. However, critiques follow. Doubts about the fairness of the recommendation and screening system have been raised. Among all of the critiques, empirical investigation is still missing. To understand the mechanism behind the function of the Recommendation and Screening system, interviews were conducted. Data was collected from 18 interviewees who participated in the Recommendation and Screening System of higher education entrance exam in 2004. All of the interviewees came from senior high schools in Taipei city. The findings are as follows: 1. Examinees’ cognition toward the system: (1) Examinees’ understanding towards the system principally came from their school. (2) Most examinees did not completely understand the system until their last year in senior high school. (3) Most examinees had very limited understanding about the standards of primary selection for participating in the Recommendation and Screening System at their school. 2. The examinees’ coping strategies toward the system: (1) Each examinee’s choices of the department and schools were based on rationally calculation of their own interests and abilities. (2) Many examinees did not zealously prepare the recommendation and screening exam until their last year in senior high school. (3) Examinees used all possible resources to prepare for the Recommendation and Screening system. 3. The function of cultural capital within the system: (1) Family cultural capital did not seem to function too much in the system. (2) The content of the interviews in the Recommendation and Screening system is closely related to cultural capital. (3) The impact of cultural capital was not obvious on the result of recommendation and screening exam. (4) Cultural capital worked only when the examinees actively used it. 4. The function of social capital within the system: (1) Social capital influenced examinees’ choice of the department and university. (2) Social capital affected examinees’ coping strategy in preparing for the recommendation and screening exam. (3) Parental social capital offered limited help to the examinees during the interview. (4) Social capital needed to be actively used by the examinees. Suggestions for students and senior high schools were offered at the end. Ideas for future study are also provided.




