  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林安邦


摘 要 本研究旨在探討彰化縣國民中學教師對體罰認知與零體罰態度之現況,以作為實施零體罰政策之參考。本研究採用問卷調查方式探討彰化縣國中教師體罰認知與零體罰態度之現況,並分析國中教師之性別、師資養成方式、任教年資、現任職務、任教領域,對體罰認知與零體罰態度的差異情形。研究者以國內外相關的有效問卷為依據,經專家評鑑與項目分析,自編成「彰化縣國民中學教師對體罰認知與零體罰態度之調查問卷」為研究工具,採分層隨機取樣方式,以507位教師為施測對象,進行實證研究。調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及逐步多元迴歸分析法進行統計分析,依據研究結果作成結論,並提出建議事項。 本研究獲致研究結論如下: 一、彰化縣國中教師對體罰之認知程度頗高。 二、彰化縣國中教師對零體罰的態度傾向於贊成實施體罰,在零體罰政策方面,則傾向於不支持的態度。 三、不同性別教師對體罰之整體認知,達到顯著差異之水準,且男性教師的體罰認知高於女性教師。 四、不同性別教師對零體罰之整體態度,達到顯著差異之水準,且男性教師的零體罰態度較女性教師積極、正向。 五、不同師資養成方式教師對零體罰之整體態度,達到顯著差異之水準,且修習師範院校開設之教育學程的教師較師範院校畢業的教師積極、正向。 六、不同現任職務教師對零體罰之整體態度,達到顯著差異之水準,且教師兼行政者的零體罰態度較教師兼導師者積極、正向。 七、不同任教領域教師對零體罰之整體態度,達到顯著差異之水準,且綜合活動領域教師較社會領域教師積極、正向。 八、體罰認知與零體罰態度總量表與各分量表之間,均為正相關。表示體罰認知得分越高者,其零體罰態度越積極、正向。 九、以體罰認知為效標變項時,有效的預測變項為「性別」、「任教領域」,可共同解釋及預測彰化縣國中教師體罰認知變異量的2.8%。 十、以零體罰態度為效標變項時,有效的預測變項為「性別」、「師資養成方式」、「任教領域」,可共同解釋及預測彰化縣國中教師零體罰態度變異量的6.4%。 本研究提出以下建議: 一、對教育應用的建議 (一)加強宣導體罰相關法令 (二)增進教師對零體罰的正確認知與態度 (三)營造尊重人權的校園環境 (四)充實師資培育機構之零體罰相關課程 二、對後續研究的建議 (一)兼採質與量的研究方法 (二)擴展研究對象 (三)增加研究變項 (四)提升研究工具品質 關鍵字:體罰、零體罰、彰化縣、國中教師


體罰 零體罰 彰化縣 國中教師


Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of the junior high school teachers’ knowledge towards corporal punishment and the attitude towards zero corporal punishment in Changhua County in Taiwan, and to offer suggestions for implementing the policy of zero corporal punishment. The study uses quantitative approach as a major research method to compare the difference of the junior high school teachers’ knowledge towards corporal punishment and the attitude towards zero corporal punishment with the individual backgrounds. The researcher designs a questionnaire entitled “Questionnaire to survey junior high school teachers’ knowledge towards corporal punishment and the attitude towards zero corporal punishment”. The subjects of survey are junior high school teachers in Changhua County selected through random sampling, and 501 effective samples are received. The data are collected and analyzed by descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1. Teachers’ knowledge towards corporal punishment is above medium level. 2. The zero corporal punishment attitude of junior high school teachers in Changhua County is negative. 3. There is a significant difference on teachers’ knowledge towards corporal punishment with different genders. The scores of male teachers are higher than the scores of female teachers. 4. There is a significant difference on teachers’ attitude towards zero corporal punishment with different genders. Male teachers are more positive than female teachers. 5. There is a significant difference on teachers’ attitude towards zero corporal punishment with different types of professional development of teaching. Teachers attending normal school teaching course are more positive than teachers graduated from normal school. 6. There is a significant difference on teachers’ attitude towards zero corporal punishment with different positions. The administrators are more positive than homeroom teachers. 7. There is a significant difference on teachers’ attitude towards zero corporal punishment with different domains of subject matter. Integrative-activity-field teachers are more positive than social studies teachers. 8. There is a significantly positive correlation between knowledge towards corporal punishment and attitude towards zero corporal punishment. 9. When corporal punishment knowledge is the criterion, significant predicting ability is demonstrated in two variables : ” gender ” and ” subject ”. 10. When zero corporal punishment attitude is the criterion, significant predicting ability is demonstrated in three variables : ” gender ” , ” the type of professional development of teaching ” and ” subject ”. At last, according to the above findings, discussion is undertaken and some suggestions are offered as junior high school teachers, schools, educational bureau of the government and future study reference. Keywords : corporal punishment, zero corporal punishment, Changhua County, junior high school teacher




