  • 學位論文


Public Senior High School Principals’ Perceptions of the Functions of School Libraries--Based on Six High School Principals’ Personal Experiences

指導教授 : 王等元


本研究旨在了解公立高中校長對學校圖書館功能之知覺並探討提升高中校長對現今圖書館應有功能的瞭解與支持的可行方法。研究者採立意取樣,針對六位曾任公立高中圖書館主任之現任公立高中校長進行深度訪談,經訪談資料之分析、詮釋、歸納並與相關文獻進行討論後,獲致以下研究結果: 一、在高中圖書館六項主要功能中受訪校長們知覺到「實施圖書館利用教 育」、「收集及提供各式教學及學習資源」兩功能是落實情形較佳者;而 「提昇學生資訊素養」、「培養自學能力、造就終身學習者」則是最不理 想的,高中圖書館功能目前尚有努力提升之空間。 二、校長們認為目前阻礙理想圖書館功能發揮的主因為:升學主義掛帥,學生 課業壓力大、缺乏固定的圖書館相關課程、學生缺乏閱讀的興趣與習慣、 圖書館與教學活動缺乏連結、圖書館專業服務人員不足及日益縮減的圖書 館經費等;而多元入學、教育改革後「資源導式的學習」、增設組長及具 「專業背景」的圖書館幹事逐漸增多,對高中學校圖書館的運作有正向的 幫助。 三、受訪校長普遍認為目前一般校長對圖書館應有功能之了解不足;為提升校 長對學校圖書館的認識與支持,受訪校長們提出相關具體方式供學校圖書 館人員、教育主管單位及圖書館相關學會參考。 研究者根據研究發現與結論,對高中學校圖書館經營人員、高中校長、教育主管單位及圖書館專業團體提出以下建議: 一、高中學校圖書館經營人員 1. 宜充實專業知能、提升服務品質。 2. 宜拓展服務內容與廣度,藉由利益關係人強化校長對圖書館的重視程度。 3. 宜善用各種溝通管道提升校長對現今圖書館理想功能之了解與支持。 4. 宜提高對校長的期許,與其建立共同的願景。 5. 宜將經營成果投稿至校長常閱讀的期刊上,提升其對學校圖書館的認識。 二、高中校長 1. 宜正視圖書館理想功能的重要性,使其成為校園優質化的利基。 2. 宜任用具專業能力之圖書館人員、鼓勵館員進修。 3. 宜發揮影響力,促進教師與圖書館的合作及學生利用圖書館的動機。 三、教育主管單位 1.宜修正高級中學課程,將圖書圖書館利用教育、資訊素養教育列為高一必 修之課程 2.宜在各圖書館重點高中舉行每年之高中校長會議,藉由圖書館相關議題的研 討與優良圖書館的參訪提升校長對理想高中圖書館的認識 3.宜邀請圖書資訊學專家、學者擔任高中校務評鑑及高中優質化評選審查委 員,落實圖書館評鑑,提昇校長對圖書館之重視 四、圖書館專業團體 1.學校圖書館人員訓練及養成教育中應加強人際溝通之課程 2.定期寄送圖書資訊學新知與圖書館經營手冊、指南給高中校長 3.爭取於教師養成教育及校長職前訓練中加入學校圖書館相關課程


The aim of this study is to learn about senior high school principals’ perceptions of the theoretical and practical functions of high school libraries. It also examines the barriers and facilitators to fully implement the functions and to explore the types of actions that can be taken to develop principal support. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six public senior high school principals who were once directors of senior high school libraries. The response analysis from the purposive samples indicate that: (A) There is a difference between the perceived theoretical functions and the perceived practical functions of high school libraries.(B) The barriers to fully implement the theoretical library functions include students’ overwhelming stress of the college entrance exam; students’ being disinterested in reading; lack of formal library instructional courses, professional librarians, and support from teachers for collaboration and integration. Meanwhile, the changes in the educational climate, particularly the move to a diverse college entrance system, resource-based learning and hiring certified staff, have created opportunities for school libraries to function. (C) Five out of the six interviewees shared the same perception that most high school principals have little knowledge of the theoretical functions and true value of modern school libraries. Principals should be led to be knowledgeable about the library in order to become a strongly supportive advocate of the school library. Suggestions are submitted as followed: (A) Senior high school library staff should update their professional knowledge and inform their principals of the crucial functions of school libraries by communicating regularly with the principals and building shared vision with them to gain principal support. (B) Senior high school principals should know the potential of school libraries and empower them to be the niche of a quality school by hiring certified staff and encouraging collaboration between librarians and teachers. (C) The training and administration organizations should beat the drum for the true potential of a school library by including library and information science in the principal as well as teacher preparation programs, inviting principals to attend in-service training, conferences and visits of model school libraries and by offering library program checklists , guidelines or manual brochures for principals. Last but not least, the training organizations should make sure that strategies of communication are part of their program so as to breed the librarians who can develop the support and partnership with principals and teachers in schools.


吳美美(民 94)。圖書館利用教育(講次5)。台灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所94年圖書館行政暑期學分課程。


