  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 侯世光


進入了全球化時代,產業為了保有自身之競爭力,除了不斷精進廠房及設備,此外,也更重視人才培訓的部分。相信人才是企業中最珍貴的資產,但能力和技術會日新月異,唯有透過教育訓練來使員工成長,但一個沒有系統的教育訓練,會讓教育訓練的成效不彰抑或是流於形式。目前政府所推動的臺灣訓練品質系統(Taiwan Training Quality System, TTQS)便是將教育訓練做一個系統化的流程,相信透過國內企業及培訓機構導入TTQS之下,能提升臺灣在世界上的競爭力。 本研究主要在探討臺灣北區企業導入及運用TTQS之研究,並根據研究結果提供實務界以及後續研究者具體結論與建議。藉由質性研究中之多重個案研究來探討六家個案公司導入及運用TTQS的狀況,並透過個案訪談的方式,蒐集、整理、分析訪談資料,歸納出本研究結果,得到以下結論: 一、個案公司導入TTQS之動機及目的為檢視公司本身的教育訓練、通過政府的評比、獲得政府經費的補助及彌補專業人才的不足。 二、個案公司導入TTQS之計畫面分成訓練計畫的明確性及訓練計畫的能力。 三、個案公司導入TTQS之設計面分成利益關係人的參與過程、訓練與目標需求的結合、訓練方案的系統化設計及訓練產品及服務。 四、個案公司導入TTQS之執行面分成訓練內涵按計畫執行的程度及記錄與資訊系統。 五、個案公司對於導入TTQS的整體回饋為使企業能有系統地規劃教育訓練、使訓練有明確產出、肯定人資及訓練人員及讓員工能更加成長。 臺灣企業透過導入TTQS,都能將教育訓練做的更完善,進而強化企業體質,使得企業更具競爭力。


教育訓練 品質管理系統 ISO 10015 IIP TTQS


Now people face the globalization era, the industries want to be more competitive,businesses are looking for not only upgrading the factory facilities and equipments, but also developing well trained employees. The entrepreneurs care about the personnel more and more than before.People strat to realize their personnel is the most valuable asset in the corporatoin,Techonologies and personnel abilities always change following with the new innovations and ideas.The only way a corporation could build their personnel’s skills is through training.However, if there is no systematic training program,the training will not result any effective outcomes.Nowdays the government animates the Taiwan Training Quality System.It helps training process to be systematic.People in Taiwan have strong belief about the enterprises and training personnel institions lead-in TTQS, It will be a strong hope that it could lead Taiwan to be more competitive. The purpose of this study is to probe into the enterprises of northern Taiwan of how they lead-in and operate the TTQS system. The conclusion of this study hope can provides the researshers of relative field some insight for the following research. In this Study we interview six cases to investigate how enterprises lead-in and operate the TTQS system, and examine the case, collect, put company's materials of each case, analyze, sum up a result of study. We have the following discoveries. 1. The motive and purpose of the enterprises lead-in and operate TTQS are to look over the company's own education and training system, through they can get government's comparison, assessment and subsidized by the government, remedied the qualified personnel in the specific field's deficiency. 2. There are two dimension factors of TTQS Plan that the companies with lead-in TTQS are the explicitness of the plan and capable to plan. 3. There are four design dimension factors of TTQS that the companies with lead-in TTQS are how party join the process, how training can combine with demand of the target, systematized the training and the training products and service. 4. There are two do dimension factors of TTQS that the case companies lead-in TTQS are the level how the training execute and record and information system. 5. The whole feedback that the enterprises lead-into TTQS in order to let the enterprise to plan education and training systematically, training can have clear output, affirm human resource and training personnel and enabling the staff to grow up further. The enterprises in Taiwan lead in TTQS can help to complete their education training and then strengthen enterprises’ constitution.Let the enterprise can be competitive.


Training Training Quality System ISO 10015 IIP TTQS


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呂執中(2003)。ISO 9001 國際品質管理 。臺北:滄海。
林清風(2007)。國內人力資源培訓走向國際化(ISO 10015+IIP)之進展。品質月刊,43(7),28-29。
廖仁傑(2004)。由ISO 10015與IIP二個國際標準來談教育訓練人力資源品質的提升。品質月刊,40(10),28-31。


張雅君(2009)。ISO 10015訓練品質管理系統應用於企業網路化訓練之探討〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315155006
