  • 學位論文


The study on the 'second generation' of Thai immigrants' knowledge on Thai language and culture

指導教授 : 林振興


摘要 本研究針對住在台灣的泰國新住民第二代子女,使用半結構訪談方式進行調查,訪談對象為居住在台灣並在台灣出生的十位泰國新住民第二代,調查他們的學習泰語動機、學習泰語與文化之環境、如何解決語言與文化之困難以及提升其語言與文化之能力。另一方面透過新住民二代的語言與文化的認知,推測新住民家長是否重視學習泰國語言與文化教育,或對泰國語言文化的表態,也藉著簡單地測試泰語與文化能力來了解新住民父母平常是否使用泰語與子女對話,或新住民二代本身是否經常在不同場所接觸到泰文的環境。 研究結果顯示由於大多數的新住民第二代之家長為泰國人之因素,因此大部分的新住民第二代為了與家長或親戚溝通而選擇學習泰語,少部分因經濟因素而考慮語言文化教育的重點。在學習泰語與文化方面,新住民第二代認為學習語言也需要學習文化,以免導致互相之誤解。新住民父母經常帶子女參加關於宗教文化之活動。在泰語能力打招呼用語的方面,大多數的新住民第二代能夠答覆得極好,但在對文化能力以合十禮來打招呼的方面,泰國新住民第二代對此方面不大了解,原因在於家長時間上的關係,另外家長本身對文化的了解程度稍微有點低,因此較少傳授子女泰國的文化。在對泰國節慶了解的部分,全部的泰國新住民第二代皆能夠敘述本節慶的內容及含義,原因在於泰國節慶廣泛到台灣,使得泰國新住民二代以及台灣人較了解到泰國節慶以及節慶中帶來的獨特文化。


Abstract The research conducted involving 10 second generation of Thai immigrants in Taiwan using semi-structured interview techniques to investigate their motivation for learning the Thai language, the surrounding environment for learning the language and culture. The research also looked at how to solve the language and the cultural difficulties one may face, as well as how to improve on their abilities to comprehend on those aspects. On the other hand, through the knowledge and understanding of Thai language and culture, there are indications showing the importance immigrant parents place passing on such education to their children. The research also looked at how the parents incorporated the language and the culture into their day-to-day life interaction and communication, and whether the children often participated in activities related to Thai language and culture. The results of the research show that most of the second generation children chose to learn the language in order to communicate with their Thai parent and respective relatives. A small number children had considered the focus of language and cultural education being due to its beneficial financial factors. Within the learning aspect, these children also believed that they also needed to learn the culture to avoid potential misunderstandings. The parents often took them to participate in related religion cultural activities. In terms of greetings in Thai, most the second generation children were able to answer very well. However, they seemed to lack the cultural ability related to certain gestures that is viewed as respectful to different social classes. The one possible reason may be, that on a daily basis, their parents spent less time with them and the parents themselves had a incomplete cultural understanding. Therefore, in passing on the Thai culture the parents lacked complete capability and knowledge, as well as practice. In terms of understanding of Thai festivals, the children were able to describe the festivals and what are involved very well. Thai festivals are widely popular and known in Taiwan, so this could be one of the reasons that aided the children to have a better understanding of Thai festivals and the uniqueness of each festival.


