  • 學位論文


Factors of Physical Activity Among Junior High School Students in Taoyuan District: Social Ecological Perspective.

指導教授 : 胡益進 廖邕


本研究以社會生態學理論為基礎,旨為探討桃園區國中生身體活動影響因素,包含社會人口學變項、身體活動自我效能、身體活動社會支持以及物理環境因素。本研究以桃園市桃園區為母群體,採分層叢集隨機抽樣桃園區11所公立國中,八、九年級共計37班,回收有效樣本747份。研究工具包含身體活動社會支持量表、身體活動自我效能量表以及國際身體活動量表( IPAQ )臺灣短版問卷,物理環境採研究者至抽樣學校訪談蒐集各校運動設施現況數量,以及藉由Walk Score 網站評估各校適合步行環境程度。所得資料以t檢定、單因子多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸分析進行整理,並進行後續描述性統計、推論性統計以及研究結果撰寫。 研究結果發現社會人口學變項組別間身體活動量有明顯差異,且男性高於女性、九年級高於八年級、學業成績中等者高於學業成績較佳者、有參加學校運動性校隊者高於無參加者、有參加學校運動社團者高於無參加者、參與體適能活動頻率高者大於參與較少者、參與體適能課程時數高者低於參與較少者。 「家人社會支持」、「同儕社會支持」、「老師社會支持」、「身體活動自我效能」與「身體活動量代謝當量」具有正相關而「學校運動設施數量」與「身體活動量代謝當量」具有負相關。 經多元回歸分析顯示,「家庭社經等級」、「學業成績」、「校隊參與」、「參與學校身體活動頻率」、「體適能相關課程時數」、「同儕社會支持」、「老師社會支持」、「身體活動自我效能」對於身體活動量的解釋力為41.6%。 依本研究結果,建議學校體適能相關活動與課程規劃設計人員,能依微系統(性別、年齡、身體質量指數、學業成就表現、自我效能、父母周運動日數)中系統(家人、師長、同儕間社會支持、學校運動代表隊、學校體育社團、學校體適能相關課程)外部系統(學校、社區物理環境、家庭社經背景)等層面進行規劃設計,以有效提升國中生身體活動量。


Based on the theory of Social Ecology, the purpose of this study was aimed to investigate the influential factors on physical activity behavior among junior high school students in Taoyuan District. Factors including the socio-demographic factors, physical activity, self-efficacy, the social support of physical activity and physical environment. A survey by structured questionnaire was administered to 8th and 9th grade students in Taoyuan District with stratified cluster random sampling that were distributed in 11 schools and 747 questionnaires would be returned. The structured questionnaires include physical activity self-efficacy scale, the social support scale of physical activity and International Physical Activity Questionnaire, IPAQ. The physical environment collects by researcher surveyed the number of sports facilities in schools were sampled. And the Walk Score website evaluates the level of walkability. T-test , One-way MANOVA, Pearson’ s Product-moment correlation and multiple regression analysis were used. The results of the study found that there was a significant difference in the amount of physical activity between social-demographic variables, and that boys were higher than girls, grades 9 were higher than grades 8, Students with average grades tend to exercise more than those with better grades, and those who participated in school sports teams are higher than no participants, those who participate in school sports clubs are higher than no participate, those who participate in physical fitness events are higher than those who participate less, and those who participate in physical fitness courses are lower than those who participate less. "Family social support", "peer social support", "teacher social support", "physical activity self-efficacy" and "physical activity metabolic equivalent" are positively correlated with "school sports facilities" and "physical activity metabolic equivalent" has a negative correlation. Multi-regression analysis shows "family social service level", " academic performance", " school sports teams participation", " participate in physical fitness events frequency", " physical fitness courses hours", "peer social support", "teacher social support", "physical activity" and "self-efficacy" has an explanatory power of 41.6% for physical activity. Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the school's fitness-related activities and curriculum planners can follow the microsystem (gender, age, body mass index, academic achievement, self-efficacy, parental weekdays) in the mesosystem (family, teacher) The external system (school, community physical environment, family social background) and other aspects of planning and design to effectively improve the physical activity of the students in the junior school.


