  • 學位論文


The Examination of Constraints on Badminton Backhand Flick Serve – Focusing on Task Constraints

指導教授 : 楊梓楣


本研究之目的在以限制的觀點,探討羽球反手短發球在工作限制情境下,對不同技能水準之實驗參加者操弄過網區間、距離及網高,觀察其結果對準確度與失誤率所產生的影響,以了解上述工作限制對於身體控制與協調的效應,以及做為未來介入訓練的參考。本研究之實驗參加者為12至17歲受過羽球專長訓練技能精熟之羽球選手及僅一般受體育課程教導技能非精熟之青少年各12人,實驗設計以不同技能水準分別對過網區間因子 (紅外線30公分區間、無過網限制區間)、發球距離因子 (T字線的T1位置、距T字線1公尺的T2位置、距T字線2公尺的T3位置)及網高因子 (增高、降低15公分網高)等三種情境以反手短球的方式分別進行測試,並以二因子混合設計ANOVA進行統計考驗,顯著水準設定為α=.05,若達顯著則進行事後比較。實驗結果顯示:(一) 不同過網區間與技能水準交互作用考驗,在準確度及失誤率上均未達顯著。進行主效果考驗,在失誤率方面,有無過網區間限制達顯著差異,無過網區間之失誤率顯著小於紅外線區間限制;準確度方面則未達顯著。(二) 不同發球距離與技能水準交互作用之考驗,在準確度方面達顯著,進行單純主效果考驗,其結果技能非精熟者在T1、T2、T3距離達顯著差異,事後比較發現距離越遠淨誤差值越大,技能精熟者則未達顯著;失誤率方面,交互作用效果未達顯著,進行不同距離主效果考驗,其結果達顯著差異,事後比較發現距離越遠失誤率越大。(三) 不同網高與技能水準交互作用之考驗,在準確度方面未達顯著,進行不同網高主效果考驗,其結果增高或降低網高之間未達顯著差異;失誤率方面,交互作用效果達顯著,進行單純主效果考驗,技能精熟與否,增高或降低網高均未達顯著差異。結論︰(一) 紅外線區間限制並不影響其準確度,但會增加其失誤率;(二) 羽球技能精熟者能有較佳的準確度及較低的失誤率,其準確度表現較不受區間、距離、網高影響,而技能非精熟者無論是準確度或失誤率容易受工作限制影響。


過網區間 發球距離 網高


This research examines the effect of imposing task constraints on the badminton backhand flick serve. The following experimental conditions were implemented: Restricted net ranges, variable net heights, and variable serving distances from the net. Different skillfulness participants in badminton were asked to complete backhand flick serves under each experimental condition in order to analyze the effect of constraints on control and coordination and reveal some guidelines for future badminton training. Participants in this study were ages from 12 to 17. Twelve were well trained, and twelve were taught only by PE curriculum. Experimental results were analyzed using Two-way Mixed Design ANOVA with a significance level of α = .05 and shown as follows: 1) The test of interaction between different net ranges and skillfulness is insignificant. In the main effect test, it is significant in serving error rates for different net ranges, while there is no significance in serving accuracy rate for the constraint of restricted net ranges. 2) For the test of interaction between serving distances and skillfulness, it is significant in serving accuracy rate. In the simple main effect test, for the unskilled participants, the serving distances matter significantly, while there is no significance for the skilled participants. In terms of serving error rate, it is insignificant for the test of interaction between serving distances and skillfulness, while it is significant in the main effect test. 3) For the test of interaction between net heights and skillfulness, it is insignificant in serving accuracy rate. It is also insignificant in the main effect test by changing the net height. In terms of serving error rate, it is significant for the test of interaction between net heights and skillfulness. In the following simple main effect test, there is no significance between the net heights and skillfulness. Conclusions are: 1) The constraint of net range could increase the serving error rate, but not affect the serving accuracy rate. 2) Skilled participants demonstrated better accuracy rate and lower error rate than unskilled ones. Their accuracy was less affected by the constraints of net ranges, serving distances, and net heights. The unskilled participants are likely to be affected by task constraints in serving accuracy and serving error.


net range serving distance net height


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