  • 學位論文


The Retracing of Family History and Genealogical Origin – A History and Reflection of "Root Seeking"

指導教授 : 張德永


由於時代不斷的變遷,各種資訊、傳媒大肆放送,影響到人們價值、道德觀的判斷,使得家庭的向心力與凝聚力逐漸淡薄,出現諸多家庭與社會問題。本研究對於家族歷史與家譜溯源的議題,一直很關注。本研究的主旨是藉著尋根(包括做族(家)譜、家庭歷史)的歷程來反思人類生命的意義與價值,透過尋根做家族歷史或族(家譜)來更加瞭解祖先及自己的根源。當一個人越了解自己是誰? 從何而來? 就會對尋根溯源及家庭歷史,增添更多的理解與啟發,藉由不斷學習、心靈富足、完成自我實現,亦是彰顯個人生命的意義與價值。 本研究目的: 一、探討家譜溯源的功能與價值及與家族歷史之關係。 二、藉由家族歷史的反思與檢視,增進個人對家族的認同。 三、藉由尋根溯祖的追懷中,建立個人對生命價值的反思。 依據研究目的,本研究之研究問題: 一、家譜溯源的功能與價值及其與家族史之關係為何? 二、藉由家族歷史的反思與檢視,個人如何增進對家族的認同? 三、藉由尋根溯祖的追懷中,個人對生命價值的反思為何? 本研究採取質性研究,透過標準樣式進行個案訪談。研究對象以盧姓、張姓、簡姓、廖姓家族的代表者,他們對於尋根的歷程是甚麼(What),進而探究這些已經在做家譜或家族歷史者為何(Why)想要緬懷已逝祖先們,他們在尋根的歷程中又如何(How)影響他們對生命的看法及家族關係的認同。經二年的時間進行個案研究,以觀察法和深度訪談法為主要研究策略,資料蒐集來源先以錄音,錄下受訪者的口述歷史,之後聽錄音完成逐字稿,再依據研究的目的及研究問題進行分析討論、歸納出以下的研究發現: (1)透過尋根的歷程,了解族譜是珍貴的歷史文化遺產,要一直傳承給後代子孫。 (2)為已逝祖先完成神聖的教儀及家庭歷史的重溯,使家庭可以成為永恆。 (3)透過家譜溯源,加增對祖先的愛及家族的凝聚力,更加彰顯生命的價值。 最後依據上述討論,針對如何落實家庭教育、如何推廣生命教育、廣設家譜研習班及後續相關研究提出具體之建議。


Due to constant changes of the times , a variety of information , the media , and changes in moral standards , the unity and cohesion of the family unit is gradually decreasing and many problems have been introduced to the family and society. This study is focused on Family History and Genealogy. The main purpose of this study is to examine the effect on one's value toward human life through personal Genealogical study and Family History. When a person learns more about who they are and where they come from, they will increase in understanding and inspiration , learning , spiritual abundance, self-worth, and a sense of value and meaning towards one's own life. The purpose of this study is: First ,to explore the function and value of Genealogical traceability and its relationship with Family History. Second , enhance the individual's recognition of the family through the reflection and examination of Family History. Lastly ,establish individual reflection on the value of life through Genealogical research. According to the purpose of this research , this study seeks to answer these questions: 1)What is the function and value of Genealogical traceability and its relationship with Family History ? 2)How can individuals enhance their recognition of the family through of Family History ? 3)What effect does Genealogical research have on an individual's reflection and value of life ? This study uses qualitative studies and conducted case reviews through standard styles. The subjects , who represent the families of Lu , Zhang , Jane and Liao , were concerned about the process of Genealogical research and went on to explore why those who were already involved in Family History wanted to remember their deceased ancestors and their process of doing so along with its influence on their perception of life and their identity in family relationships. After two years of case studies, with observation and in-depth interviewing as the main research strategies, the data was recorded along with the oral history of the interviewee. This recording was then used to complete the verbatim draft. Based on the purpose of the study and the research issues to analyse and discuss, here is a summary of the research's findings: 1) An understanding of Genealogy as a precious historical and cultural heritage that must be passed on to future generations comes by dong genealogical research. 2) Complete Family History work and perform sacred ordinances for the deceased ancestors so the Family can be eternal. 3) Genealogical research adds love for one's ancestors and family and highlights the value of life. Finally, based on the above discussion, specific suggestions are put forward on how to implement family and life education, set up Genealogy workshops and follow up on related research.


