  • 學位論文


Using Q Method to Explore the Opinions of Elderly's person living along on Learners' Programs about prevention of dementia - 6C Marketing Architecture as an Example.

指導教授 : 郭鐘隆


現今醫療技術與公共衛生發展進步,人類的平均壽命延長,失智症盛行率也日益升高。因此預防罹患及延緩失智症也就相對重要。本研究運用Q方法,以探討獨居長者對於可以預防失智症的樂智課程之看法並比較其類型。 引用以6C行銷架構發展出長者對於樂智課程看法之Q陳述句,研究對象為社區獨居長者,30位長者完成32句Q陳述句進行Q排列。應用PQ Method 2.35統計軟體,經因素分析得出四種類型;共24人可被歸類,解釋變異量54.7%。此四種類型命名及分析分別為: 一、「健康需求型」長者,屬重視6C行銷架構中Consumer(消費者需要)。 二、「成本考量型」長者,屬重視6C行銷架構中Cost(成本)。 三、「考量家人型」長者,屬重視6C行銷架構中Community(社群影響)及Concerned(擔憂影響)。 四、「重視醫療型」長者,屬重視6C行銷架構中Cost(成本)及Communication (雙向溝通)。 相信本研究有助於規劃並推廣獨居長者願意參與預防失智症的「樂智課程」。


失智症 獨居長者 樂智課程 Q方法


Due to the development of medical technology and public health, the average life expectancy of human beings is prolonged and the prevalence of dementia is increasing. Therefore, it is relatively important to prevent the initiation and delay of dementia. Q methodology was used to explore and compare different types of older people living alone on their perspectives of learner’s programs about prevention of dementia. The Q statements on perspectives of learner’s programs were developed based on the framework of 6C marketing. A total of 30 older people living alone in the community completed the arrangement of 32 Q statements. Using PQ Method 2.35 statistical software, four types were defined from a factor analysis. A total of 24 people were be classified, explaining the variation of 54.7%. The four types were named and interpreted below: 1.Type of "health demand". The older people with this perspective value consumer needs in the 6C marketing framework. 2. Type of "cost-based". The older people with this perspective value cost in the 6C marketing framework. 3.Type of " considering the family" The older people with this perspective value community impact and concerned impact in the 6C marketing framework. 4.Type of "medical-oriented". The older people with this perspective value cost and communication in the 6C marketing framework. The findings in the study are useful to to develop learner’s programs about prevention of dementia for older people living alone and promote them being willing to participate.


一、 中文文獻
1. 王培寧、李明濱(2009)。代謝症候群與失智症。臺灣醫界, 52(12),11-13。
2. 王香蘋、蔡麗珍、施博文(2010)。民眾接受社區式日間照護之意向探討。靜宜人文社會學報,4(1),1-22。
3. 內政部統計處(2011)。民國 98 年老人狀況調查結果摘要分析。資料檢索日期: 2011.03.02,網址:http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/Survey/98old.doc。
4. 台灣失智症協會(2015)。 http://www.tada2002.org.tw/tada_know_02.html.
