  • 學位論文


Research on the Development Process and Influential Factors of Female Enterprise Lecturer Career-Take the common core function lecturer as an example

指導教授 : 張 玉 山


本研究旨在探討女性企業講師,當初踏入此職業的背景與動機、專業養成方式、碰到的困境等職涯發展歷程及影響因素,研究目的在於了解女性企業講師職涯發展的重要歷程,探討影響女性企業講師職涯發展的因素,分析女性企業講師碰到的困境與因應之道。 研究方式採質性研究,從行政院勞動力發展署共通核心職能北區講師中選取樣本,選出七位具十年以上從業經驗的企業講師進行深入訪談,並以事先規劃好的訪談大綱,以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料收集,進行歸納分析影響女性企業講師職涯發展的關鍵因素,得到以下結論: 一、在企業講師職涯發展的重要歷程方面有五點結論:首先職業必須要符合個性並具有強烈的內在動機,再來釐定自我角色定位、信念與價值觀,並培養必備的專業且要在主軸範疇中深耕,面對困境時以靜心修身、沉穩去突破回應,內心要充滿感恩與回饋的心維持工作動能。 二、在影響女性企業講師職涯發展的因素方面有三點結論:個人須要認定講師為自己最愛的工作,體悟企業講師的職業是助人的工作,並獲得家庭支持與協助,在職涯發展上才能順利。 三、在女性企業講師工作上碰到的困境與因應之道方面有四點結論:聚焦在自己擅長能發揮的專業領域,在教學工作上必須不斷的精進,並做好經濟與財務上的規劃,順應政府政策調整好自己的心態。


This study was to explore the career development and influencing factors of the female enterprise lecturer, the background and motivation of the career, the professional development methods, the difficulties encountered, and the influencing factors. The main purposes of the research were to understand the important course of the career development of female business lecturers, to explore the factors affecting the career development of female business lecturers, and to analyze the dilemma and response of female business lecturers. Based on qualitative research methods, this research selected samples from the North District lecturers of the core functions of the Executive Yuan Labor Development Agency. Seven enterprise lecturers with more than ten years of experience were selected. The in-depth interviews and semi-structured interviews were conducted with a pre-planned interview outline in this study. Qualitative and structured interview data was collected and inductive analysis was used to analyze the key factors affecting the development of female business lecturers. The following conclusions were drawn: First, there were five findings about the career development of the enterprise lecturers. Lecturer’s personality had to be conformed to this occupation, and they had to have strong intrinsic motivation. After determining the role orientation, beliefs and values, lecturers had to cultivate the necessary professions in the main professional category. While facing of difficulties, lecturers had to deeply plow with a calm and self-cultivation heart. Second, there were three conclusions in the factors affecting the development of the lecturer's career in women's enterprises: 1. To identify the lecturer as his/her favorite job. 2. To realize that the career of the lecturer was to help persons. 3. In order develop career successfully, one had to get family support and assistance. Third, there were four conclusions about the work dilemma and response solutions for female business lecturers. 1. Focusing on the professional fields that they were good at. 2. Improving one’s professional development continuously. 3. Preparing a good economic and financial plan. 4. Adapting to the government policy and adjusting one’s own mentality.


王國川、翁千惠(譯)(2005)。質性資料分析-如何透視質性資料(Richard E. Boyatzis原著)。台北:五南。
