  • 學位論文


Study of Malaysia Independent High School Postmodern Teaching Demonstration

指導教授 : 蔡雅薰


隨著時代的發展,後現代教育逐漸受到許多人的關注與重視,馬來西亞的教育也應該朝這方向向前發展、改變視角、擴大教學內容。馬來西亞獨中的教育模式至今還停留在傳統教育模式,已經漸漸的開始跟不上時代的發展。教師填鴨式及強灌式的教師模式導致現今的學生對華文漸漸的失去了興趣,有些甚至產生了厭學的傾向。教師也無從改變這樣的情況,最終導致了華文科的成績都沒有提升的趨勢。 筆者三年前來到這所學校執教就發現學生不喜歡華文課的情況,深入去了解后才發現,是教師的教學出了問題。許多教師的傳統教學模式已無法提起學生學習的興趣,更妄談如何培養學生自覺思考的能力。針對這樣的問題,筆者在這三年一直在採用不同的教學模式,其最終目的就是如何調整學生的學習狀態及提升學習興趣。經過三年的教學結果發現,筆者這三年所採用的教學模式就是「后現代教學」。 「後現代教學」就是教師與學生是一起共同成長的關係,教師不需要求學生接受教師的權威,學生與教師就是一起學習的共同體,一同參與知識的探究,一同討論,參與學生的討論過程,幫助學生理解,接受學生提出的質疑進行反思及學習。 筆者通過大量研究中外文有關後後現代主義及後現代教育的文獻,對於後現代課堂中教師與學生、師生在課堂中關係進行了整理,并以具體的實例將其呈現出現。筆者正是通過後現代教育將後現代教學的課堂的狀態呈現給大家,以供大家作為教師實踐的參考。 後現代教育裡有許多值得我們借鑒和參考的地方,其中的“多元性、差異性、對話性”等理念正是馬來西亞教育所缺乏的。這項任務看似艱難,切非難事。要解決學生學習的問題,教師本身就應該先改變。筆者通過在日新獨中任教時,通過觀察高中華文課的情況,發現傳統的教育模式已經不適用,學生學習狀態才會有下跌的趨勢。究竟應該怎麼解決這逐漸嚴重的趨勢呢?本文將從以下幾個方面對本課題進行論述。 教師應該如何建立專業、個人、程序的知識庫;教師應該如何探究學習者的需求、動機、自主性;教師應該怎樣進行正確的教學、理論化、對話;教師如何通過思考學者、觀察者對課堂活動的看法認識自己的教學行為。「後現代教育」就是以這些為基礎讓教師能了解,分析,認識,實踐以及觀察學習,培養全面思維的學生。 本論文選擇以馬來西亞獨立中學的高中語文課作為研究範圍,皆介紹獨中教育的背景至於,並指出高中語文教育課所出現的弊端,展望未來,提出創新的教學方案以後現代教育理論為方向,改進學生的學習成效,體驗學習成功的喜悅。


後現代 教學模式 語文 獨中


Of late, the post-modern education is growing concern, education of Malaysia should also move forward accordingly, by changing perspective, as well as widen the teaching syllabus. Most of the Malaysia’s「Independent Chinese High School, ICHS」 still retain the traditional teaching mode, which are soon behind the times. Spoon-feed teaching style have caused lack in interest of students, and even trend of antipathy to study. The situation is Irrevocable and has leaded to a stagnant improvement of Chinese subject among the students. The lack of interest among the students to the Chinese subject was observed as the author first went into the posting high school. The problem was narrowed down to the teaching plan as further evaluation was done. The conventional teaching methods practiced by most of the teachers fail to incur interest among the students, not to mention to inspire the students to think independently. To cope with the problem, the author has applied different teaching methods for three years duration to rectified the attitude of students and inspire them in learning, which is known as the Post-modern teaching. Post-modern teaching is a teaching method where the teacher and students are having a correlation of development on the way of learning. Instead of being authoritative, teacher is now a member of them to join the learning process, discovery, discussion of student, in the way of improving a better understanding. The author has made numerous of references on the post-modern teaching in both foreign and Chinese language, analysis the relationships between teacher and students according to the real cases during classes those conducting in the post-modern teaching. The author had set forth the post-modern through the cases of class conducted as a reference for the real practice to other educators in the future. There are few highlights in the post-modern teaching which has been underrated in the Malaysia education, including the diversification, differentiation and conversation. The author has found the conventional teaching is not more adapt to the contemporary time when she was conducting classes in the posting high school. To solve the downtrends brought by the traditional teaching, this thesis will uncover the solution in the following aspect: The built-up of the professionality, personality, program and knowledge, the inspiration n term of necessaries, motive and initiative, the of good ethics and conversation during classes, self-examination through feedbacks and responses of the students during classes. With all the aforementioned points, the post-modern teaching method the educators have a better understanding, analysis, cognitive and real practice to inspire the comprehensive thinking of students. The thesis was done based on the research topics of Malaysia’s ICHS, by introducing the background of Malaysia’s ICHS, discover the pro and cons of the Chinese teaching in the ICHS, propose a novel teaching plan based on the post-modern teaching to improve the experience and effectiveness of study.


1. 王紅宇譯(2000)。後現代課程觀(原作者:小威廉·E·多爾)。北京:教育科學出版社。
2. 王道俊(1989)。教育學。北京:人民教育出版社。
3. 王守恒(2007)。課程改革與教師專業發展。合肥:安徽教育出版社。
4. 王榮生(2010)。語文教學內容·問題的思考。中學語文。
