  • 學位論文


Research on Application of the Pop Music Production and Soundtrack Teaching: A Case Study of the Music Gifted Class Kaohsiung Municipal Senior High School

指導教授 : 徐玫玲


高中音樂資優班多集中於古典音樂之養成,但以流行音樂為主的音樂產業已然成為主流,音樂資優班學生多數不再像過去只專注於古典音樂演奏,而有一定比例的學生,曾有接觸流行音樂的經驗,甚至演奏流行音樂的狀況。 這群學習古典音樂的學生畢業後的就業方向也產生了改變,除了傳統的演奏、職業樂團及教學之外,部分的畢業學生轉入流行音樂演奏、教學,以及更為專業的領域-流行音樂詞曲創作、編曲、廣告配樂及遊戲、動畫、電影配樂之影像音樂創作或音效製作等。 為因應此趨勢,筆者將流行音樂及配樂製作之相關課程,帶入高雄市立高雄中學音樂資優班教學之中,授予學生有關作曲、作詞、編曲概念,聲部配置、配樂製作、音效製作,編曲軟體實作、採譜軟體實作之課程,透過20幾年的經驗累積,讓以全古典音樂教學為主的高中音樂資優班學生,能更深入的接觸到流行音樂、數位音樂及配樂製作之相關知識與技術。以期許能及早獲得更多元化的技能,及未來就業之競爭力。 本篇論文以高二學生鄭之棻的〈慢慢喜歡你〉改編曲、林佩璇的〈雪花〉創作曲、陳沛妘的〈火與夢〉創作曲、高一學生郭蓓菱的〈一塊鹹派〉創作曲,及高二學生鄭之棻的〈Mr.Indifferent〉3D動畫短片之重新配樂及音效製作為例,透過樂曲分析與詮釋,來探討教學過程。 研究結果顯示,音樂資優班學生雖然音樂基礎深厚,但對於流行音樂及配樂製作之相關知識還有很大的學習空間,需透過有系統的教學,才能達到預期之目標,並應用於以流行音樂為主的廣大市場。本篇論文之研究成果願能拋磚引玉,提供有志者於音樂資優班之流行音樂教學。


Cultivating high-school students of music gifted class (exceptional talent class in music/ music class/ gifted class in music) focuses on classical music mostly; however, pop music has been the mainstream in musical industry. Not only most of the students in music gifted class concentrate on classical music, but also they have developed habit of listening, admiring or even performing pop music. Hence, we could observe a new trend of employment of these students. Apart from traditional performing career, orchestral involvement and teaching , some graduates have devoted themselves into performing and teaching pop music. Even more professionally and commercially, songs and lyrics composing, arranging, soundtracks productions in advertisement, animation and movie. Under this circumstance, the author brought the related course materials about creation(production) in pop music into the music gifted class Kaohsiung Senior High School. It could give students who already possess strong basics in classical music some basic concepts about creation in song and lyrics, arrangement, configuration about voice type, production in soundtrack and sound effect, practicing software about transcription and arrangement. With related experiences for over twenty years, the designed course could benefit students in music gifted class to have more exposure on the knowledge and skills about pop music, digital music and soundtrack production, equipping them with different skills and ability for their future career. The examples used in this paper are soundtrack reproduction of 3D animations, including Chih-Fen Cheng’s Growing Fond of You, Pei-Hsuan Lin’s Snowflake, Pei-Yun Chen’s Fire and Dream, Pei-Ling Kuo’s A Piece of Quiche and Zhi-Fen Zheng’s Mr.Indifferent. Through analyzing and interpreting the works, to reflect on the teaching process. This research results show that although students in the music gifted class havea profound musical basis, there are still rooms of improvement for them to learn about popular music and soundtrack production. Only when a systematic teaching framework is applied, the expected learning outcomes of the students could be observed, equipping themselves for the vast market of popular music. This paper aims to be used as a guide, to provide popular music teaching materials for teachers teaching students in music gifted classes.


