  • 學位論文


The Use of Junior High School Teachers’ Perceptual Gifted Education and School Marketing Strategies-An Example of the Junior High Schools in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 吳有龍


當前國中小的資優教育方案已具相當水準與規模,若從教學、課程、教師學習型組織、學生學習成就及暢通的升學管道等方面型塑典範,進而翻轉普通教育產生遷移之效,則可在少子化的學校競爭中成為亮點。此外,適當的學校網站行銷乃是提昇學校形象的催化劑,有助於加深與強化家長或社區人士對學校的觀感,並且贏得家長或社區人士對學校的支持與認同,進而增強學校辦學的信心和力量,更有助於學校的未來發展和維持其競爭優勢。 本研究將以問卷調查方式進行,問卷對象以隨機抽樣方式選取高雄市人口較多的行政區中,3所有實施資優教育之國中,和3所沒有實施資優教育之國中,特請學校相關人員協助發放正式問卷,共計發出360份問卷。研究主要之結果彙整如下: 高雄市國中教師知覺學校網站行銷策略運用現況屬於中等程度,以人員策略程度較高。不同服務年資的教師在「推廣策略」運用上的知覺程度有顯著差異,至於在「產品策略」、「人員策略」、「通路策略」運用上的知覺程度則差異較小。而且有實施資優教育的國民中學教師,對其學校網站行銷策略運用現況的知覺程度,明顯高於沒有實施資優教育的國民中學教師的知覺程度。因此,建議校方宜系統化分析學齡人口減少趨勢,有效運用資優教育以此作成學校網站行銷依據,並展現資優教育之特色課程,可作為學校網站行銷的堅實後盾。


The current gifted education programs have reached certain levels and scales. If the ideal examples of gifted education can be established in regard of teachings, curriculums, teachers’ learning organizations, students’ learning achievements, and freely-accessible channels for further educations, gifted education can transform the regular education as well and be the highlights in this competitive school environment due to depopulation. In addition, a proper website marketing for school is a good helper to better a school’s image. It helps improve parents and the societies’ perspectives towards the school and gain parents and societies’ supports and acknowledgments, which then enhances the school’s confidence and strengths in its establishment, assists the school’s future development, and maintains the school’s competitive advantages. This study was conducted through questionnaire survey. The respondents were selected by random sampling from those Kaohsiung districts with relative bigger populations. There are 3 junior high schools with gifted education and another 3 junior high schools without gifted education. With the school staffs’ assistance, total 360 questionnaires were passed out. Below are the findings for this study: Current Kaohsiung junior high school teachers’ cognition towards the utilizations of the school website marketing strategy is at an intermediate level, while their cognition towards the personnel strategy is shown at a higher level. There is a significant difference in the cognition towards the utilization of ‘promotional strategy’ among different teachers’ seniorities. In regard to the cognitions towards the utilizations of ‘product strategy’, ‘personnel strategy’, and ‘channel strategy’, there are relatively small differences among different seniorities. Moreover, those teachers from the schools with gifted education have significantly-higher cognition towards the utilization of school website marketing strategy than those teachers from the schools without gifted education. Therefore, this study suggests that schools should systematically analyze the trends of school-age depopulation, effectively apply gifted education in future school website marketing, and present the featured curriculum of gifted education; then gifted education could be the strong supporter for their school website marketing.


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