  • 學位論文


A Study on Brand Aging and Rebranding in Food Service Industry –A Case Study of Ikki Japanese Restaurant

指導教授 : 王國欽




Food service industry nowadays develops and grows stably. Both the revenue and the number of for-profit businesses increase year by year in food service industry in Taiwan. Lots of well-known chain restaurants continue expanding the scope of business, and also strengthen their brand management. On the other hand, there are also restaurant brands facing business crises with the decline in turnover or the number of stores. In the face of brand aging, companies can adopt the strategy of rebranding, so that the brand can once again attract target audiences. This study takes on a Japanese restaurant Ikki founded in 2005 as the case study. It has gone through the stage of brand aging since 2015, while it carried out the strategy of rebranding. The purposes of this study were as follows. First, explore the reason of rebranding of Ikki Japanese restaurant; second, examine the processes that must be going through during the rebranding of Ikki Japanese restaurant; third, make specific suggestions for its rebranding. The in-depth interview was adopted, with the subjects being 5 business managers, in order to explore the progress from brand aging to rebranding of Ikki Japanese restaurant. The results revealed that the reason of rebranding of Ikki Japanese restaurant included brand aging, unexpected operating results, brand positioning confusion, internal optimization, and customer preferences. Its processes of rebranding are as follows. First, brand exploration: it set the direction of rebranding as “becoming a more authentic and high-end Japanese restaurant brand.” Second, brand promise: “it adjusted its brand promise and brand personality.” Third, brand performance: “it renovated its store and redesigned menu.” Forth, brand action: “it united the team by conducting regular education trainings and supervisor meetings in internal side; and it strengthened the marketing method in the external side. In conclusion, it is suggested that Ikki brand can be renamed during the possible direction of rebranding. Also, another suggestion is that brand should intergrade its style and color of brand visual image. Through above rebranding proposals to give the brand a whole new look.


brand aging rebranding in-depth interview


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