  • 學位論文


The Design and Implementation of Beginning Level Students by differentiating Chinese Between Language and Character in an American University

指導教授 : 蔡雅薰




For foreign language learners whose native language is English, learning speaking and listening Chinese is easier than reading and writing the language. For English speaking Chinese language learners, using the Pinyin system is well suited because of the usage of a phonetic system to represent sounds made from Chinese characters. After learners adapt to using pinyin to learn Chinese, there tends to be less issues in learning to speak and listen. However, for these students, learning how to read and write Chinese characters is more difficult than learning how to speak and listen. Therefore, this study is based on the language-character separation approach. Three Chinese character teaching strategies were designed for beginning level Chinese language learners. The purpose is to teach the significant and basic principles of Chinese character knowledge in order to reduce apprehension in learning Chinese characters. Learning Chinese characters can be an easy, systematic and step by step process. The sample used in this study consists of college students from two different private universities in southern California. Students from one university were used as the Experimental Group, while students from the other university were used as the Control Group. For this control group, students did not learn any Chinese character writing strategies in class. After ten weeks of instruction, the results showed that the students who learned Chinese character writing strategies based on the language-character separation approach had better Chinese character test scores than students who have never learned strategies for Chinese character writing.


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