  • 學位論文


A Study and Creation of Car Styling Identification

指導教授 : 鄧成連


現今全世界最大的汽車消費市場已由美國轉換到後發的中國市場,世界各大車廠皆極欲進軍被視為汽車產業大餅的中國;而中國本身亦有許多自主品牌,如何從中求得生存而不被吞沒,的確是一條艱難的路。每個車廠皆會發展屬於自己品牌的外觀造形識別,以作為與其他車廠的區隔,尤其是發展時間悠久的老車廠,皆有相當穩固的造形識別,且能夠為消費者所辨識。而後發的中國自主品牌也慢慢研究如何形塑自家品牌的造形識別,以建立更穩固的汽車品牌。 本研究以汽車造形發展歷史之文獻為切入點,探討汽車發展歷史各時期對於汽車造形之影響,何以塑造各時期的汽車造型風格,作為分析汽車造形識別的開端。並針對識別和造形兩大方向,探索人類對於形狀感知和辨別的文獻為研究識別的基礎。另以完形組織法則理論來探討何種形狀組織更容易被識別,並從產品語意相關文獻探討造形語意對於識別的影響。以造形識別度較高的百年品牌BMW、Benz和新興品牌Lexus為案例研究,搭配文獻探討之研究結果發現: 1. 汽車造形識別為「型態辨識」和「營造識別」兩種的結合,其組合結果即為「範型」,為最基礎的識別印象,其餘變化皆須架構在此範型上做變化。 2. 汽車品牌營造識別需先定義品牌理念欲傳達的內涵線索為何,而汽車造形的外顯線索必須體現內涵線索欲傳達的訊息,匹配程度越高則越能為消費者所識別。 3. 汽車造形特徵的型態辨識須定義初始圖形及該圖形之結構屬性關係,如該特徵具有完形法則規範,則可提高造形特徵的識別強度。 4. 外顯線索造形特徵可藉由造形文法來規範演化的可能變化,另保持外顯線索特徵組合的結構屬性關係,則可在結構屬性關係之外做變化規則,但仍能維持識別。 以品牌識別較弱的本土汽車品牌Luxgen為創作個案,將研究結果應用於創作之中,創作成果如下: 1. 以Luxge標榜的智慧、豪華為內涵線索,藉此發展外顯線索之造形特徵。 2. 創作三種不同車型,分別為小型車K1、中型轎車S6、中型SUV U6-X,藉由三種不同型態之車型,運用研究結果來驗證架構於「範型」上的造形文法操作。 3. 以完形法則來規範車前車後識別特徵,來提高識別強度。 4. 規範創作造形特徵之初始圖形維持結構屬性關係,以做出變化規則仍能保持識別。 希望以最終的創作過程和成果,作為欲研究汽車造形識別的研究者之參考。


Currently China has already become the biggest car market in the world than US, every car maker desperately try to enter China to get profit. And it's a tough mission to make profit and survive in this market especially for some China local car makers which just get started. Every car maker develop their own brand styling identification to distinguished from other car makers, and some historic car makers which have solid styling identification get easily recognized by customers. Therefore subsequent China local car makers begin to study how to shape their own styling identification to build stable car brand. This study researches how car development of every period in car history influences the car styling, to be the first step to analyze the car styling identification. And focus on identification and styling two directions respectively, to explore shape cognition and recognition relevant research to be the foundation of studying styling identification. Research what kind of shape structure will get recognized easier through gestalt principle, and study how shape semantic affects identification. Take prestige car brand like BMW, Benz and young brand Lexus which are all regarded as higher stable styling identification for the case studies, the findings from literature research and case studies are listed below: 1. The car styling identification is a combination of “pattern recognition” and “build the identification”, the result will be the “prototype” defined in cognitive psychology. It will be the initial styling identification, and base on this to develop the variety of styling. 2. We have to define the implicit cue delivered by car brand concept before building the car styling identification, and the explicit cue of car styling features must reflect the value from the implicit cue, more they match, more easily recognized by consumers. 3. The pattern recognition of car styling features must define the initial shape and the structural attribute relationship, what if the styling feature with the gestalt principle, then it can enhance the level of identification. 4. The possible variety of evolution for the styling feature of explicit cue can be conducted by styling grammar, and keep the structural attribute relationship of explicit cue what can do more shape rules beyond the structural attribute relationship, to a certain extent to maintain identification. The creation which is taking the local car brand that has weak styling identification for example, and base on research results are listed below: 1. Take the key words of brand concept “luxury” and “genius” claimed by Luxgen as implicit cues, to develop the exterior features of explicit cues. 2. Create three different types of cars, which are micro car “K1”, mid-size sports sedan “S6” and mid-size SUV “U6-X” respectively, apply the research result on verifying the operation of styling grammar which based on the “prototype” defined in cognitive psychology. 3. Make a norm by gestalt principle for the exterior styling features from front and rear, to enhance the level of identification. 4. Make a norm for the initial shape of styling features which should keep the structural attribute relationship for the creation, in order to create different shape rules but still maintain the identification. Hope the final creation process and result can be the reference for some researchers who want to study the car styling identification. Key words: car design, styling feature, styling identification, styling grammar, pattern recognition


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