  • 學位論文


The Effects of Solution-focused Approach Training Programs on the Full-time School Counselors in Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 許維素


本研究旨在探討國中專任輔導教師焦點解決學派訓練方案對於國中專任輔導教師的助益,了解在接受為期八天的SFBT訓練後,受訓者是否滿意訓練方案、是否能夠有效協助其需要及其建議,以做為未來國中專任輔導教師訓練課程之方向與建議。研究對象為27位新北市以及12位桃園市、4位新竹縣市、9位苗栗縣公私立國中之專任輔導教師,將之分成新北組與桃竹苗組分別進行訓練課程。本訓練方案為八日共48小時的訓練課程,內容分為兩個階段:(1)SFBT基本初階訓練:介紹SFBT哲學與精神、晤談架構、代表性技巧等;(2)SFBT專題進階訓練:介紹如何應用SFBT於專任輔導教師之二三級預防工作,包含校園危機處理、非自願個案輔導、同儕團體支持及個案研討會議、親師諮詢與班級介入。 本研究主要以焦點團體訪談為蒐集資料方法,於課前、課後與課後一個月分別進行一次2小時的團體訪談,並輔以問卷調查,瞭解各單元以及整體課程之滿意度狀況。而研究分析方式,訪談資料以典型質化分析方法,量化部分以描述統計,綜合瞭解本訓練方案之成效。研究結果發現如下: 一、參與訓練方案之受訓需求,包含參與訓練方案之期待與國中專任輔導教師目前所遇之困難與挑戰。於參與訓練方案之期待:(1)於SFBT理論層面之期待:「對SFBT充滿好奇,期待進一步瞭解與學習」、「期待學習SFBT具體技術及其應用方式」與「期待發展適合之諮商學派」;(2)於學校輔導工作層面之期待:「因學校輔導工作所需,對SFBT之價值產生認同與欣賞,期待深入了解」、「期待能將SFBT實踐於輔導工作中」、「期待獲得之後續效益」、「期待專業角色的重新定位與被看見」與「期待能量與自信的提升,避免職業倦怠」;(3)於個人領域層面之期待:「期待將SFBT運用在生活中,影響真實人生」。於國中專任輔導教師目前所遇之困難與挑戰:(1)角色任務與工作內容之挑戰;(2)角色定位模糊與不被看見;(3)專業知能不足;(4)工作壓力過大;(5)資源匱乏;(6)輔導工作系統合作有許多阻礙;(7)各校學校文化差異,以致輔導工作運行有不同困境。 二、焦點解決訓練方案課程之滿意度:質化結果與量化結果皆顯示受訓者滿意本訓練方案,進一步瞭解受訓者對訓練課程的滿意原因,發現共有五大因素:(1)講師因素;(2)課程內容因素;(3)授課方式因素;(4)同儕因素;以及(5)時間規劃因素。 三、受訓者於課後焦點團體訪談之主觀受訓成效:(1)於SFBT理論層面之成效:「SFBT精神與哲學觀之學習」、「建立平等對話地位的合作關係」、「學習SFBT各式問話技巧與細膩語言之應用」與「發展適合之諮商學派」;(2)於學校輔導工作層面之成效:「SFBT在輔導工作上的實踐」、「後續產生效益及促使工作伙伴的正向改變,提升輔導效能」、「角色認同提升與逐漸受到肯定」與「增加自身賦能感,提升自我效能」;(3)於個人領域層面之成效:「SFBT正向思維滲透生活,人際互動產生改變」。 四、受訓者於追蹤焦點團體訪談之主觀受訓成效:(1)於SFBT理論層面之成效:「SFBT精神與哲學觀之學習」、「學習SFBT各式問話技巧與細膩語言之應用」與「發展適合之諮商學派」;(2)於學校輔導工作層面之成效:「SFBT在輔導工作上的實踐」、「後續產生效益及促使工作伙伴的正向改變,提升輔導效能」、「角色認同提升與逐漸受到肯定」與「增加自身賦能感,提升自我效能」;(3)於個人領域層面之成效:「SFBT正向思維滲透生活,人際互動產生改變」。 五、訓練方案建議:於課後以及追蹤團體訪談瞭解受訓者對於本方案訓練之建議,結果分為五大類:(1)時間規劃的建議;(2)授課形式的建議;(3)課程內容的建議;(4)延續課程的建議,與(5)受訓人員的建議。 研究討論首先針對新北組與桃竹苗組受訓成效之差異進行研討,再將課後與追蹤焦點團體訪談成效進行比對與討論。最後討論影響SFBT訓練方案學習之有利與非有利因素,以及訓練方案之成效結果,結合文獻對話,進行綜合討論。 最後根據研究結果與討論,對未來國中專任輔導教師之SFBT訓練方案之規劃、國中專任輔導教師與未來研究提出建議。


This study aimed to investigate the effects of solution-focused approach training programs on full-time junior-high school counselors. The purposes of this study were to a) understand the satisfaction level of trainees after eight days of training in terms of their primary goals, and b) make suggestions for future program improvements. A total of fifty-five school counselors from the public and private junior-high schools in northern Taiwan were recruited. Specifically, twenty-seven school counselors were recruited from New Taipei City, twelve from Taoyuan City, four from the Hsinchu area, and nine from Miaoli County. Participants from New Taipei City were grouped as the New Taipei City Group, the rest were grouped as the Taochumiao Group. The training program took place over four weekends, 12 hours each week. The program had two phases: The first phase focused on the foundations of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), including an introduction to SFBT philosophy and spirit, the structure of an SFBT interview, and stypical SFBT techniques. The second phase focused on advanced use of SFBT on special topics such as secondary and tertiary mental health preventions in junior-high schools (e,g,, crisis intervention, working with involuntary clients, peer support groups, case conferences, parental consultation, and in-class intervention). Data was collected via focus-group interviews. Three interviews, two hours for each, were conducted before, at the end of, and one month after the training program. To understand the overall outcome of the program and satisfaction level for each unit specifically, surveys were conducted via questionnaire on top of focus-group interviews. Interview data was analyzed with qualitative analytical methods. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. The combination of both provided a comprehensive look at the potential effects of the training program. The research found that: 1. The goals that participants wished to accomplish via the training program can be separated into two general categories: a) general expectations for the training program, and b) a desire to address specific challenges and difficulties often encountered at work. General expectations could then be separated into three subcategories: 1) Learning SFBT theory and practice; 2) Applying SFBT to school counseling; and 3) Applying SFBT to their personal lives. Specific challenges encountered at work that participants wished to address included: 1) Helping coworkers understand the role and obligations of a school counselor; 2) clarifying ambiguous professional identities and receiving recognition; 3) expanding their professional knowledge and competence; 4) coping with great stress from unreasonable workloads; 5) How to get more resources; 6) enhancing teamwork and cooperation within their school systems; and 7) navigating cultural differences between school districts. 2. Both qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys yielded positive feedback from participants. Five factors that determined the level of satisfaction were identified: 1) The instructor; 2) the curriculum design; 3) the method of instruction; 4) their classmates; and 5) the program agenda and scheduling. 3. Training effects gathered from the immediate and follow-up focus group interviews could be separated into three categories: 1) the participants’ SFBT approach; 2) the participants’ guidance and school counseling ability in school settings; and 3) the participants’ personal relationships. 4. Future training programs have many avenues for improvement. Feedback gathered from the post-training and follow-up focus group interviews included improvement ideas that were classified into five categories: 1) Suggestions for program agenda and scheduling; 2) suggestions for training modalities and methods; 3) suggestions for modifying the course curriculum; 4) suggestions for implementing post-workshop continuous training programs; and 5) suggestions for recruiting trainees with divergent backgrounds. The following were discussed based on the results of the study: a) outcome differences between the immediate and follow-up effects; and b) potential moderating factors for the SFBT training’s effects. The results were compared and contrasted extensively with existing literature. Finally, suggestions were made based on the findings of the current study for: a) future SFBT training programs; b) on-the-job training for junior-high school counselors; and c) potential directions for future studies.


