  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 黃明月


本研究以參與樂齡學習之中高齡女性為研究對象,轉化學習為理論觀點,旨在探討中高齡女性參與樂齡學習後之自我概念轉化學習的情形。本研究包含下列三項研究目的:1.了解中高齡女性原有的自我概念之內涵。2.探討促使中高齡女性自我概念轉化學習之契機。3.探討中高齡女性之自我概念轉化學習的情形與相關因素。本研究採質性研究的方法進行訪談,共訪談三位樂齡學習中心婦女,並以整體詮釋進行內容的分析,依據資料分析結果,得到以下結論: 一、 中高齡女性原有的自我概念會因人而有所差異,但精神我與社會我的自我概念普遍較薄弱。 二、 中高齡女性的自我概念深受原生家庭和婚姻生活所影響。 三、 退休、失業及兒女長大等生活中的事件,皆是促發中高 齡女性參與樂齡學習的契機。 四、 中高齡女性自我概念轉化學習的因素有課程規劃、師生 互動、家人的支持、老師及同學的鼓勵等。 五、 參與樂齡學習,有助於中高齡女性檢視其自我概念舊有 的觀點並進行觀點轉化的情形。 六、 透過樂齡學習,中高齡女性對於自己的外貌及生理健康 狀況抱持著正向的看法和態度。 七、 透過樂齡學習,中高齡女性建立自信心,肯定自我效能。 八、 透過樂齡學習,中高齡女性與他人的互動中獲得自我的 勝任感及價值感,建立正向的社會自我概念。 根據研究結論,提出以下幾點建議: 一、建議開設運動養生、身體保健、戲劇的課程對於中高齡 女性的自我概念有較大的影響。 二、建議樂齡學習中心在師資的培訓上應加強並提升老師教 學互動的能力。 三、樂齡學習中心應多鼓勵並培訓中高齡者參與志工,透過 志工的社會參與可以提升其社會我。 四、建議未來研究可以從不同的成人學習理論、不同職業別、 不同婚姻狀況、不同社經地位的女性,去探究比較中高齡 女性自我概念轉化學習的內涵。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the middle- aged and older females’ self-concept and transformative learning as well. The target subjects were from a learning center for aged people in New Taipei City. In-depth interview was used in this study to collect data and three females were recommended and invited as the subjects for this study. Major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The subjects’ original self-concepts were varied. Nevertheless, the mental self-concept and social self-concept were somewhat weak in general. 2. The subjects’ self-concepts were deeply affected by their original family and their marital life respectively. 3. Retirement, jobless and children grown-up events in life were the turning points that triggered their participation in learning programs for the aged. 4. The subjects’ self-concepts transformative learning were influenced by courses planning, learning interactions, family supports, and encouragement from peers and teachers etc. 5. To attend learning programs for the aged could help subjects reflect their original self-concepts and facilitate transformation. 6. Thru role playing in drama courses, the subjects undertook positive attitudes toward their out looking and physical health, furthermore, to promote their self- confidence. 7. Thru participating in volunteer groups in learning center for aged to serve others, the subjects’ social self-concept were enhanced gradually.


王以仁 (2007)。人際關係與溝通。臺北市:心理。
王怡分 (2006)。參與女性學習課程對中年婦女自我認同歷程影響之研究:轉化學習的觀點。國立中正大學成人及繼續教育所碩士論文,未出版,嘉義縣。
王柏鈞 (2011)。男同志分手經驗之轉化學習。國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學習碩士論文,臺北市。
