  • 學位論文


A Study on the Achievements of Taiwan Traditional Arts Promotion Foundation in National Center For Traditional Arts

指導教授 : 何康國


「國立傳統藝術中心宜蘭園區」是我國第一個由政府統籌規劃的民俗技藝園區。國立傳統藝術中心依據1995年行政院核定計畫,以「政府機構」為主,統籌全國傳統藝術保存、傳習及推廣等業務,並園區部分設施及推廣業務「委託民間」為輔,雙軌並行。因此從2004年起,國立傳統藝術中心透過政府參促案,採OT案模式,委託民間企業「統一蘭陽藝文股份有限公司」來營運,也就是以政府資源結合民間機構共同經營。2016年9月,國立傳統藝術中心宜蘭園區12年的委外經營期告一段落,隨著原委外經營單位統一蘭陽藝文的退場,其為配合經營國立傳統藝術中心園區而捐助成立的「財團法人台灣傳統藝術推廣基金會」亦完成階段性任務,轉由執行機關、即是國立傳統藝術中心來接管。 回顧傳藝中心園區過去十二年的委外經營過程,財團法人台灣傳統藝術推廣基金會在其中佔有極其重要的地位。該基金會屬文化藝術財團法人性質,有別於國立傳統藝術中心(公部門)及統一蘭陽藝文股份有限公司(民間企業),是為一非營利組織,以配合經營國立傳統藝術中心園區永續推廣傳統藝術之設立宗旨,於園區進行傳統藝術之研究、傳習、教育、推廣工作。本研究以「財團法人台灣傳統藝術推廣基金會」為研究對象,主要研究面向為該基金會在國立傳統藝術中心宜蘭園區的組織定位、功能與經營成果。透過文獻分析、個案研究,並深度訪談公部門、經營單位、專家學者、及展演團隊,進行分析並整理出結論。透過本研究希望探討財團法人台灣傳統藝術推廣基金會之定位與經營成效,並提出看法。


"National Center For Traditional Arts Yilan Park" is the first national Folk Tricks Park by the government planning. National Center For Traditional Arts is based on the approved plan of the Executive Yuan in 1995 to overall plan the tasks of the conservation, transmission and promotion of the nation’s traditional arts, and is authorized to take dual approaches- a principally governmental agency with enterprises’ assistances in running its partial provisions. Therefore, from 2004 onwards, the National Center For Traditional Arts through the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects, Operation-Transfer Form, commissioned to the private enterprise "Uni- President Lan Yang Arts Co., Ltd." to operate, that is, government resources combined with civil society co-operation. In September 2016, National Center For Traditional Arts Yilan Park in 12 years of outsourcing business period came to an end, with the original business unit Uni- President Lan Yang Arts Co., Ltd. exit, and the " Taiwan Traditional Arts Promotion Foundation " which founded for cooperate the operation of the National Center For Traditional Arts Yilan Park also completed the stage task, transferred to the executive body, that is, the National Center For Traditional Arts to take over. In the past 12 years, the Taiwan Traditional Art Promotion Foundation has a very important place. The Foundation is a member of the Arts and Culture Foundation, which is different from the National Center For Traditional Arts (the public sector) and the Uni- President Lan Yang Arts Co., Ltd. (private enterprise), is a non-profit organization to cooperate with the establishment purpose of National Center For Traditional Arts, sustainability promoting traditional arts and doing the research, transmission, education, promotion work of traditional arts in the Yilan Park. This study is based on the "Taiwan Traditional Art Promotion Foundation", which focuses on the organizational orientation, function and management results of the foundation in the National Center For Traditional Arts Yilan Park. Through the analysis of the literature, case studies, and in-depth interviews with public departments, business units, experts and scholars, and the show team, to analyze and sort out the conclusions. Through this study, we hope to explore the positioning and management results of the Taiwan Traditional Art Promotion Foundation.


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