  • 學位論文


Research on the performance of the touch panel interface for elders

指導教授 : 簡佑宏


觸控螢幕的應用已無所不在,隨著科技的進步,觸控螢幕的尺寸也逐漸改變了使用者的操作行為。智慧型載具透過網路連結,漸漸發展出許多的物聯網應用,除了一般多數使用者外,高齡者也需要利用電子此載具獲得照護或是達到聯繫溝通的目的。為了了解高齡使用者的需求,本研究進行介面操作實驗和問卷調查,探討高齡者使用觸控介面績效。操作實驗主要分析2種螢幕大小:分別為4.7與9.6吋、5種觸控尺寸大小:直徑分別為4、6、8、10、12 mm的圓形和3種操作手勢:點(top)、雙點(double)、拖曳(tap and drop)對介面操作績效之影響,透過視覺-動作統整發展測驗分析希望了解高齡者對於視覺與動作統整的能力。研究結果顯示,隨著年紀的增長視覺與動作統整的能力會逐漸降低,然而螢幕的大小不會影響高齡者的觸控介面績效,觸控尺寸的大小則為觸控面積越大越好,建議直徑12mm的圓形,至於操作手勢研究發現簡單的手勢像是操作點時對於高齡者是比較適合的,而雙點的動作時反而會比拖曳要來得困難。


Daily life in the modern era requires frequent use of touchscreen technology applications. As the technology has developed, changes in screen size have influenced the way most people use touch panels. A variety of Internet of Things (IoT) applications have also been developed for smart devices with Internet connections. Such applications mean that older individuals (elders) can potentially make use of digital devices both for communications purposes and to obtain adequate care.In this study, we investigated elders touch panel performance through an interface operation experiment and questionnaires to better understand elders usability requirements for touchscreen applications. The experiment primarily analyzed the effects of the following factors on elders touch panel performance: screen size (4.7” and 9.6”); touch target size (circles of 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 mm in diameter); and gesture type (tap, double tap, and drag and drop). Through an analysis of the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, we explored elders visual-motor integration skills. Results showed that as individuals age, their visual-motor integration skills deteriorate. Still, screen size has no influence on elders performance on touch panel interfaces. However, larger touch target sizes are preferred, with circles of 12 mm in diameter recommended. Simpler gestures, such as the tap gesture, are more suitable for elders. Our findings indicate that elders find it more difficult to perform the double tap than the drag and drop.


HCI 費茲定律 Fitts Law與使用者介面設計(2009)。2015年12月31日,取自:http://blog.vgod.tw/2009/10/02/fitts-law/
