  • 學位論文


The migration background and local presentation of the immigrants from Matsu to Taiwan ─ An example of Taoyuan Bade

指導教授 : 林聖欽


桃園被稱為馬祖人的第二個故鄉,其境內的馬祖旅臺鄉親比連江縣的 馬祖在地居民數量還多,其中又以八德地區為馬祖移民的集中地,故本研究以民國60-80年間遷臺的馬祖移民為研究對象並以八德為研究區,欲探討馬祖移民的遷臺背景與在地展現,因此研究目的有三:一、利用推拉理論建構出馬祖人移居八德的背景因素。二、釐清馬祖移民在八德地區所建構的社會網絡。三、歸納出馬祖移民在八德地區所展現出的文化樣貌。 研究結果顯示,馬祖因位於戰爭前線,居民生活受限且具安全疑慮,而本島相對是安全的;馬祖產業發展受限,而本島正值工業化社會就業機會多;馬祖的社會資源缺乏,而本島的教育與醫療等社會資源都較多,在推拉力的牽引下造成人口移動。而八德有工作機會與地價便宜等優勢吸引馬祖移民移入,且移民在遷移過程中的路徑依賴,移民會一個帶著一個移入八德,後遷移者考量到八德當地移民的社會資本較豐富而選擇遷入。   而大量馬祖移民在八德建構出許多社會網絡,包含影響範圍較小的鄰里性網絡,範圍居中的廟宇網絡及範圍最大的馬祖同鄉會網絡,移民者可透過這些網絡來連繫彼此的情感以互相照顧,並且互相交流訊息,這些網絡也成為馬祖移民在移入地的社會資源。   馬祖飲食文化展現在常民生活中、鄉親經營的餐飲業中,及在特殊活動中會由同鄉會主動對外推廣馬祖美食;而信仰文化則與廟宇組織的運作相關,舉凡廟宇祀奉的神明、廟宇的扛乩組織運作,及各種信仰活動如聖誕大典、元宵擺暝、繞境等舉辦都是信仰文化的展現。而這些移民文化在當地政府的介入下,會變成地方型的大型活動展現在在地居民眼前,如:海洋文化季、馬祖昇天季,應而使移民文化的在地展現更加彰顯。


馬祖 八德 移民 社會網絡 文化展現


There are lots of Matsu people in Taoyuan, and the population is more than Matsu islands. Among them, I choise Bade be my research area because it is the most one. There are three research purposes in this essay:First, construct the migration background of the people from Matsu to Bade by Push-Pull Theory. Second, understand the social networks established by Matsu people in Bade. Last, Research the culture appearance presented by Matsu people in Bade area. Research result show that Matsu islands was the war field since 1945, and it is danger and inconvenient for people to live, not like Taiwan. There were few jobs in Matsu for industrial evelopment limited, so that people want to move to Taiwan for jobs. Besides, social resources in Taiwan is more than Matsu also influence Matsu people to leave. Matsu people concentrated in Bade, because land value in Bade is low and there are many factories so that people can get the job easier. By the way, the most key factor is the beaten paths in migration, migrant will follow the pioneer who is relative, and move to the same place. Matsu people establish many social networks, including neighborhood, temple and Matsu County Association networks, immigrant associate and exchange messages with each other, which become social resources. Matsu’s food culture show in Bade, and religious cultural is with the operating of temples organizations show through variety of activities such as Lantern Festival in Bade. Local government also let Matsu culture become the festival events, and show it to the residents in Bade.




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