  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationships between Principals' Leader Roles and School Culture in Junior High School of Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 張明輝


摘要   本研究的主要目的,係以「競值途徑」架構來了解國民中學校長領導角色與學校組織文化的現況及其關係,並探討分析兩者在不同背景變項是否有所差異。最後根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供有關機關推動及進行國民中學組織變革及發展之參考。 為達成上述目的,本研究採文獻探討及問卷調查法。在文獻探討方面,主要是探討組織文化的基本概念、理論基礎、研究途徑以及競值途徑架構下的組織文化和領導角色。而在問卷調查方面則根據競值途徑的架構,分就組織文化及領導角色兩個層面,編製「國民中學學校組織環境調查問卷」,進行調查研究。最後綜合文獻探討及問卷調查的結果,提出具體建議。 本研究調查對象為台灣地區桃園縣市的公立國民中學,共抽取45所公立國民中學的主任、組長、導師及專任教師作為樣本,發出746份問卷,實得有效問卷603份。問卷統計處理係採用SPSS for Windows 9.0統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 綜合文獻探討與問卷調查結果,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、四種類型的組織文化(凝聚共識文化、成長調適文化、理性主導文化及層級節制文化)都有其價值性與必要性,相互間沒有孰是孰非或何者較優,何者較劣的情形,組織中總是蘊含矛盾詭譎的現象,其結構應重均衡的發展。 二、學校組織文化是社會建構的概念,為社會的產物,受組織內與組織外環境的影響,因此,學校組織文化不但反應了學校成員的信念,同時也必須相容於其所處社區環境的需求、教育政策或法令的要求,符應變遷,配合變革,永續發展。 三、學校組織的革新與發展,兼重領導與管理的層面,而卓越的領導者不只扮演一兩種領導者角色,而是兼具有多重角色的身分。 四、國民中學學校組織文化就競值途徑架構而言,側重學校組織內部和諧氣氛的維持,並強調以法令規章來辦理行政,對於目標和成果的追求較為薄弱,對於革新的訴求較缺乏強烈的動力。 五、國民中學校長領導角色就競值途徑架構而言,較強調控制,並趨向結構化與正式化、指導性與工作任務取向及墨守成規與拘謹的領導型態。 六、國民中學教師知覺學校組織文化與校長領導角色,不因教育背景而有差異,但會因性別、擔任職務及任教年資等變項而有所差異。 七、國民中學學校組織文化,不因學校所在地(都市、鄉鎮)而有差異,但會因學校規模大小及創校年齡而有所差異。 八、國民中學校長領導角色,會因學校所在地(都市、鄉鎮)、學校規模大小及創校年齡而有所差異。 九、國民中學校長領導角色與學校組織文化呈正相關。 十、國民中學教師所知覺的男性校長在整體學校組織文化與校長領導角色與女性校長有所差異。 根據研究結論,提出下列各項建議: 一、對教育行政機關的建議: (一)適度調整學校規模的大小。 (二)發展與建立各項學校教育指標,將學校教育目標具體化,並以之作為實施學校評鑑的規準,進而協助學校組織的變革與發展。 (三)重視校長人才的養成,審慎遴薦校長人選,規劃適當的課程,增進校長的領導素養與熟悉組織事務的運作。 二、對學校行政的建議 (一)學校校長宜以競值途徑之量表進行學校組織與自我領導風格之診斷,藉以洞察學校組織文化,調整自我領導風格,配合組織的特質與情境之變遷,導引學校組織的變革及健全的發展。 (二)導引學校組織變革,使組織能講求績效及迎接挑戰和革新,校長在行政運作及領導模式轉化之因應措施為:兼具多種領導角色,建立學習型組織,正視組織弔詭相斥現象的存在,發揮整合領導的功能。 (三)暢通校內溝通管道,採取參與式的決策模式,以提高教師參與學校事務的意願與機會。 (四)策劃進修活動,提倡研究風氣,增設任務編組, 針對相關主題,遴選適當人選,分組進行研究發展的工作。


A Study of the Relationships between Principals’ Leader Roles and School Culture in Junior High School of Taoyuan County Ching-Tsai Lo Abstract Based on the “Competing Values Framework”, the main purposes of this study are to reveal both the current situations and the relationships between principals’ leader roles and school culture in junior high school , and to explore if there is any level of significance among the variables. With the outcome of the research , proposals and re- commendations are thus to be offered for the implementation of organization reform and development in junior high school. To accomplish these purposes, this study has adopted the approaches of literature review as well as questionnaire. In the literature review, the researcher went through the study of organizational culture and the roles of leadership( including definitions, theo- retical foundations, approaches to culture assessment, especially based on the compet- ing values framework).In the aspects of questionnaire surveys, the researcher compiles “Questionnaire for school organization milieu in junior high school” for data collecting. According to the outcome of the study, the researcher offers tangible suggestions. The population of the study is the public junior high school teachers of Taoyuan county in Taiwan. 45 schools have been sampled and 746 copies of the questionnaire dispatched. 603 copies of effective samples are actually acquired .Data of questionnaire has been proceeded for statistical analysis under the statistic packaging soft- ware “SPSS for Windows 9.0”. Based upon data of literature review and questionnaire, some conclusions have been reached as follows: 1. All four culture types ( rational culture, development culture, consensual cul- ture and hierarchical culture)are valuable and necessary, and none is better or worse than the others. Paradoxes often exist in cultural profiles ,and the need for balanced culture is emphasized. 2. School culture is a concept which is constructed out of a society. It shows not only the beliefs of the school members but also needs to have some compati- bility with the demands of its environments and the policies or regulations of education. 3. Both leaderships and managements are needed for innovations and develop- ments of school organizations. A master leader plays multi-leader roles in stead of one or two. 4. The school culture in junior high school tends more to the maintenance of internal harmonic atmosphere. Administrations are based on regulations, but the purchase of outcomes and targets are weak as well as innovations. 5. The principal’s leader roles in junior high school stress more on control. The leadership style is structured and formal, directive and task-oriented, as well as conservative and cautious. 6. There are significant differences between school culture and leader roles based on different background variables including sex, official positions, teaching years, except for academic background. 7. There are significant differences on school culture in junior high school based on school sizes and school years, except for the locations of school( urban or countryside ). 8. There are significant differences on principal’s leader roles in junior high school based on school sizes, school years, and the location areas of school. 9. It shows positive correlations between principal’s leader roles and school cul- ture in junior high school. 10. There are significant differences on school culture in junior high school based on the sexual status of school principals. According to the results of this study, following proposals are offered: 1.As to the educational authorities, they should (1) adjust the size of the school. (2) develop and establish all kinds of school educational criteria to concrete the school educational goals. Thus school evaluations can base on these criteria to help to reform and develop school organization. (3) emphasize on the training as well as the choices of school principals, and develop appropriate curricula to enhance the abilities of school principals. 2.As to the administration in junior high school, some suggestions are offered as follows: (1) In order to diagnose school culture and leadership styles, school principals may apply the assessment instrument based on competing value framework. In this way, they can realize the real meanings of their school culture and adjust their leadership styles to lead reform and well develop in school organizations. (2) School principals should play more leader roles, create a learning organization, realize the exit of organization paradoxes, and lighten the functions of connec- tive leadership. (3) School principals should freely flow the intercommunications in school, adopt the participation decision making model to provide more opportunities, and encourage the members willingly to participate in the school affairs. (4) School principals should pursue further educational activities, establish an adhocracy group, and enroll suitable members to deal with research studies.


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