  • 學位論文


A Study of Employment Process of Deaf in Taiwan

指導教授 : 沈慶盈


本研究旨在了解聾人在就業歷程的經驗與主觀詮釋。研究者採取質性訪談法,共訪談八位求職就業期間長達五年以上的三十至四十歲的聾人。研究發現為: 一、在職業探索與自我準備期,聾人會因為聽力缺陷影響其對職業的挑選,而非工作本身的困難。 二、在求職期,聾人需要拜託聽常人協助撥打電話,以利聯繫雇主面試應徵。他們常遭遇雇主的刻板印象,但也發現他們會勇敢的向雇主爭取機會嘗試、獲取工作的權利。 三、有關職場適應,聾人不斷精進筆談能力與保持工作熱忱,以利與雇主以及聽常人同事建立關係。 四、聾人轉職原因多為薪水太低或薪資不穩定,另外還有雇主不改善因聽力限制導致容易發生意外的職場。轉職前後,他們也會邊思索自己真正的工作需求。 五、在就業維續期,聾人能不能與雇主以及聽常人同事保持良性互動是重要關鍵,此外,聾人也會更主動的對工作進行反饋。對於在求職路上一直給予聾人協助與認同的雇主,聾人報以的感謝,便是真心誠意的認真工作。 最後,研究者針對聾人在就業歷程中的需求進行討論,並說明研究建議 與限制。


聾人 聽覺障礙者 就業歷程


This research is to understand the employment process experience of the deaf. The researcher uses qualitative research method to interview eight deaf people who have more than five-year employment experiences. The researcher finds that: 1. In the career exploration duration and self-prepared time, the deaf will choose jobs influenced by auditory handicapped, not hard tasks of the job. 2. When finding new jobs, the deaf have to request normal people to help them to make phone calls in order to contact manager having interviews. They always meet stereotypes from the boss, but they will fight for the chances to try and the rights to work. 3. About adapting to a new workplace, the deaf have to enhance the ability of writing conversations and keep the working enthusiasm in order to establish good relationships between bosses and colleagues. 4. The reason why deaf people want to change jobs mostly is ----- low salary or unstable salary. Besides, the bosses don’t want to improve the workplace easier to have danger due to auditory handicapped is another reason why they want to change jobs. After that, the deaf will think their true working demands. 5. In the maintenance time of the job, the key point is ------ the deaf are capable of having good interactions between bosses and colleagues or not. Besides, the deaf will give feedback to this job more initiatively. For the bosses who give help and respect when they find jobs, the thankfulness of the deaf is ------ work hard wholeheartedly. Finally, the researcher have discussions directly about the employment process needs of the deaf and explain the suggestions and the limits of the research.


Deaf Hearing-Impaired Employment Process


王敏行、賴淑華、戴富嬌(譯)(2009)。身心障礙者生涯諮商―給實務工作者的教戰手冊(原作者:Wolffe E. K.)。台北市:心理。
世界衛生組織(2015)。〈Deafness and hearing loss〉。資料檢索日期:2016.04.08。網址:http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs300/en/。
世界聾人聯盟(2016)。〈Frequently Asked Questions〉。資料檢索日期:2016.04.08。網址:https://wfdeaf.org/faq。
