  • 學位論文


A Multicultural Course With Elementary Education Of Hakka Involved in Ethnic Issues

指導教授 : 黃純敏


本研究在於發展出一套族群議題融入國小客語教育之多元文化課程,以20位國小四年級客語選修學生為研究對象,研究參與者包含一位協同教師,採取質性的行動研究取向之課程設計,透過質化的錄影、學習單、訪談、文件分析等資料彙整,從整體的課程與教學、學生學習成效和教師專業成長三個層面,探究多元文化課程的建構與實施。 研究結果如下:一、以族群意識為核心建構主題課程,有助於客籍學生未來能在客語的學習上更明白其意義。二、以合作學習為主,搭配獎勵制度及多種教學策略,能提升學生學習成效,並有助於師生的正向互動。三、多元文化課程模式讓整體客語課程更有脈絡性,激發學生學習興趣,以及展現社會行動的任務。四、族群議題融入國小客語課程,突破目前客語教學上對於族群議題探討的不足。五、客語教師可經由族群議題融入客語課程建構與實施,增進多元文化的專業成長。


A Multicultural Course With Elementary Education Of Hakka Involved in Ethnic Issues Abstract The current study aims to develop a multicultural course with elementary education of Hakka involved in ethnic issues. Based on 20 testees who are fourth-grade-pupil in the electives of Hakka and a participant of a co-teacher, the current study adopts the curriculum design of qualitative action research through the materials of qualitative videotaping, learning sheet, interviews as well as documents analysis and investigates in the practice and the design of multicultural course by three perspectives which are overall curriculum and teaching, efficiency of student learning and growth of teachers. The results are as follows: 1. Designing courses majorly based on the ethnic topics of its culture consciousness benefits Hakka students from clarifying its meaningfulness while they learn Hakka in the future. 2. Cooperative learning with assistance of rewards system and multi-strategic teaching elevates the efficiency of learning whilst positive teacher-student relationship is also ameliorated. 3. The mode of multi-cultural course designing makes Hakka course more structural, its stimulation of interests of students also concretely demonstrates the tasks of social action. 4. A multicultural course with elementary education of hakka involved in ethnic issues, breakthroughs to the lack of investigation of ethnical issues are also seen in the classes of Hakka; fifth, teachers of Hakka may boost their profession of multi-culture through the design and practice of curriculum in conflation of ethnical issues.


