  • 學位論文


Digital Age! E-Digital System: A Study into the Effects of E-Comment Cards for Chain Restaurants

指導教授 : 王國欽




The purpose of this research is to build-up the E-comment card system in one of the Taiwan’s popular chain restaurants. Previous studies once clearly pointed out that Internet Customer Satisfaction Survey has reached a broader, more representative and diverse audience, quickly, because the majority of your guests are online. Nevertheless, most of the chain restaurants still engage in the paper questionnaire for customer’s feedback survey. This study intended to implement an E-comment card system and to examine if the E-comment card system would be more effectiveness in light of cost, efficiency, and operation. This study will firstly conduct literature review; and then in-depth interviews with chain restaurant holder, store managers, and their customers. Both qualitative and quantitative method will be employed in this study. Although, space limitations preclude the detail discussion of this paper and the entire data collection procedure has not been completed yet, the authors believe this study will broaden the theoretical domains used in understanding the E-comment card survey. It is also believed that the practical information gathered during the data collection process will prove valuable in answering additional questions not addressed in this study.


E-comment system


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