  • 學位論文

運動賽會對城市行銷影響之研究─以2017 MIZUNO高雄國際馬拉松為例

The Impacts of Sport Events on City Marketing in 2017 MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon

指導教授 : 張少熙


本研究將以城市行銷理論為出發點,探討高雄市如何利用運動賽會進行城市形象的塑造與行銷策略的執行。本研究之研究目的為:探討高雄市如何藉由辦理高雄國際馬拉松賽會,運用城市行銷策略來提升城市形象;分析高雄國際馬拉松賽與高雄市城市行銷之關係;探究高雄國際馬拉松賽會活動之成效與影響。研究方法為深度訪談法,訪談2017 MIZUNO 高雄國際馬拉松之政府機關與執行單位、跑者,以對其策略規劃有更深入的瞭解。所得結果如下:在形象行銷方面,高雄市以在地風景為主軸,利用多方管道去行銷運動賽會,並且結合高雄陽光強烈的特色來創造活動slogan,行銷高雄市熱情、健康的形象。在吸引力行銷中,高雄市政府結合觀光局的高雄燈會藝術節共同辦理賽事,吸引一般大眾參與,達到吸引力行銷。在基礎建設行銷中,市區道路的平整度、環境清潔皆為市政府籌備賽事的重點之一。相關局處針對主要使用道路進行檢視,並且進行翻修。民眾行銷方面,2017高雄國際馬拉松並沒有像以往一樣利用明星代言人或是政治人物來宣傳賽會。


This study based on the city marketing theory and designed to explore how Kaohsiung City Government has been marketing the city through hosting 2017 MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon. The purpose of the study was to reveal the relations between city marketing and sport event in 2017 MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon. This study adopts 2017 MIZUNO Kaohsiung International Marathon as the study subject, conducting literature review and in-depth interviews with Kaohsiung City Government officials, and experts with city marketing expertise, and the runner who have been participating this particular event. The results were derived as the follows: Kaohsiung City Government blend characteristic into slogan to promote image marketing. They hold Kaohsiung Lantern Festival to attract people join sport event and visit Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung City Government also use sport event to assist city construction rebuilding and replace. People marketing is to arouse the awareness of the residents’ cohesion. Instead of using endorsement, they promote the sport event by emphasizing kindful residents.


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